Your First "Real" Roller Coaster

My first "real" roller coaster was MF. My friends first EVER was TTD. So I just wanna hear some of your stories about your first "real" roller coaster ride.

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Top 5 Roller Coasters
1. Millennium Force 2. Top Thrill Dragster 3. Raptor 4. Maverick 5. Gatekeeper

Sky Streak - Boblo Island -

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

Wildcat at Lake Compounce in 1966

Paisley's avatar

I didn't realize Gemini was imaginary. Anyway, my first was Big Dipper at Geauga Lake.

3snoH un=l's avatar

Can't remember which one I rode first, either Scooby Doo at KI and Mine Ride at CP.

Upside-down Fun House

The Blue Streak at Conneaut Lake Park.

Blue Streak at Cedar Point. The year it opened.

Iron Dragon 1987! or Gemini same year

When I was a kid, Mine Ride was viewed as a kiddie coaster (pretty sure the height requirement was shorter). So I view my first real coaster as being Blue Streak.

Wooden coaster at Glen Echo in Maryland. Swore I would never go on another one. Ok, that was about 50 years ago. Grandson got me on Woodstock Express. Think I will stick to watching coasters.

noggin's avatar

Idora Park's Wildcat

I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.

Paisley's avatar

The way I see it, if a coaster wasn't specifically built to be a kiddie coaster then it's a real coaster. It might be dull, boring or lame or whatever but unless we're talking the equivalent of Woodstock Express or Jr Gemini it qualifies as a "real" coaster.

Big Dipper at Chippewa Lake Park. My first coaster was actually the Little Dipper at the same park, but that was more of a kiddie coaster.

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Cedar Point fans since when Blue Streak was still the " big one".

The Racer at KI, 1972 the year they both opened.

Cedar Point guest since 1974

buckeyesbrownsindianscavs's avatar

Blue Streak in 2007. a big thrill when you are 7 years old.

The god of speculation

Space Mountain, 1984 on a field trip with my older sister's class. Since the teachers figured since we were siblings we would rat each other out on any trouble we would get into, they let us go unchaperoned in the park. before then I had only been on carnival rides so i was blown away at the whole MK experience.

Currently at x0, y0, z0

First coaster was Beastie at KI. It's still there, but they call it something else now. It's the wooden roller coaster in kiddieland. I was 5 or 6. I'm 35 so when I was 12 I was tall enough to ride the ones that were built in that day and age. If Gemini doesn't count for you that only leaves the Beast and Racers as real coasters I had ever rode.

I rode Vortex the year it opened. I rode Magnum the year it opened. Mean Streak when it opened.

Alot of new technologies have been developed in the roller coaster field in the last 20+ years. I don't think the definition of a roller coaster has changed though.

blue sstreak when i was 9 and could still stand up on it. rember my mom yelling at me to sit down or u will fall out

First coaster ever was Big Dipper at Geauga Lake.

First upside-down coaster was Double Loop at Geauga lake.

raptorqueen's avatar

Sky Streak- Boblo Island 1990. Next coaster was Mantis at CP 1999...

Cedar Point, Americas rip- rockin', high flyin', sky defyin', record breakin' roller coast

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