Your first coaster....Your worst coaster

Think back years ago.... What was the first coaster you have rode at any park, and what would you say is the one coaster you would never get on again! My first was the Demon in Ill. and I would have to say the coaster I would never get on again would be...Top Gun killed my back!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Actually, this is kind of funny...I say the same thing about Mean Streak every year, but I always seem to get back in line every year to give it another chance. It's such an asthetically pleasing coaster. Although it's looks are decieving, kinda like the Wildcat.
First: Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Cedar Point. Worst: Zyklon, Fun Spot. --Dave Althoff, Jr.
Don't know the name of my first, it was at a small kiddie park in Irish Hills,Michigan (I think it was called wonderland) I was only 8 and all I remember was I loved it. been hooked ever since. If anyone has any info on this now defunct park,(or the name of the coaster) feel free to e-mail me.

worst I think would have to be zyklon, since I haven't ridden to many coasters other then CP's.
My first "big coaster" was Iron Dragon. There arn't any coasters that I won't ride right now.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
First -- Jackrabbit, Kennywood Park

Worst -- I keep saying "I'm never getting on that again" for both Mean Streak and Steel Phantom, yet I keep riding ;)

First one I went on was the Mine Ride at CP. The worst coaster I went on was a ride at PKI last year. I cant remember the name but I think it was the runnaway train. Half way through the ride it broke down in the tunnel and my friend and I were stuck on it for about 20 min. i dont think Ill go on that again.

Rideman and Screechnowl, You've ridden Zyklon!?!, I live about 40 minutes from that park. When were you last there?
LuvRaptor's avatar

Leeroy669-Adventure Express is the name of the coaster you were stuck in the tunnel on-I think we ALL have sat in there longer than we have wanted to-
(especially when it is 95 degrees outside and the tunnel is like 130)

My 1st coaster: Jumbo Jet
Adventures Inn
Whitestone, NY
or Cyclone
Brooklyn, NY
my WORST coaster: OLFOF
OLFOF makes SP seem meek
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
First- Little Dipper: Geauga Lake (removed after 1975 season).

Worst- Looping Star/Scorpion: IX Indoor Amusement Park 1996 and 1998. It was the first coaster I ever rode that drew blood from me!
First coaster: Little Dipper at Memphis Kiddie Park (near Brooklyn, Oh). My grandpa knew the owner, and resulted in us getting free rides all the time! Got me & my brother hooked early.
First BIG coaster: Cedar Creek Mine Ride. Screamed the entire way through with my dad.
And finally, worst: Corkscrew @ CP. For some reason, I just can't ride it without aquiring a headache. But always get back on next visit...

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
my first ride was corkscrew at Cedar Point.
my worst roller coaster ride was Disaster transport because I expected some much more from the ride.
first coaster: kiddie steel coaster at Nay Aug Park, Scranton PA
first adult coaster: Mine Ride @ CP
worst coaster: Viper at SFGadv. The most painful ride I ever experienced
CP_genius I have only been there once and it was 1992 or '93. Haven't really seen a reason to go back. Not enough coasters there you know. :-)
First - CCMR
Worst - Windjammer (Knott's) Watching paint dry is more exciting.
I also, had my first ride on the Little Dipper at Memphis Kiddie Park in Brooklynn, Ohio.
First Adult coaster was the Mine Ride.
Never been on a coaster I wouldn't ride again!
First: Racer at Kennywood (still one of my fav's)
WOrst: Steel Phantom also at Kennywood. First two drops of the ride are fantastic. Then the last part is so rough, you're not sure what coaster you've just been on

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
21 days until The Force
Yeah they added a shuttle loop that I thought was cool when I was younger because it was the only coaster I had gone on that went backwards. But the last I heard two people fell out of their harnesses and died. I doubt it's true, but I do know that the park rarely runs it.
First: Blue Streak in 1974.

Never again: Any coaster that goes backwards (like the Racer at PKI).

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
First: Python at BG Tampa.

Worst: Python at BG Tampa. If you've ever been on it then you'll know why I hate it. It's incredibly short and is never exciting.

-Mr. Clean

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