Your CP Collection

I know that the topic comes up from time to time and frankly I like to mention it becuase in the past it has only helped my collection. I can honestly say that 80% of the walls in my room is covered with CP stuff. 10% is covered by furniture, and the the other 10% is basically open spaces here and there. Soon I am going to have to hang things from the ceiling. :)

The main reason for this topic is of Cedar Point brochures. As of late the rage on eBay pertaining to Cedar Point has been brochures. Lately they have been appearing left and right. Now I am slow to start bidding on them becuase I have been working on obtaining bigger peices for my collection. Anyway my first question is for the brochure collectors and that is how do you display, store, and catalog your collection. Do you store them in a binder similar to the postcards or baseball cards? Before I get serious in collecting them I want to have all of the ones I have nicely displayed in some way. Currently the ones I have are just sitting in a box.

My second question is for the button collectors. Just recently I came across some extra banshee buttons and Coastermania buttons, if anyone is interested in *trading* let me know. They aren't for sale I'm just looking for other buttons to complete my collection.

Third as always is the wall calanders, it took me three years but I have every calander from '86 to the present. If you have anything that is before '86 or know anyone that does let me know.

So if you have anything I might be interested please let me know.

Maybe jeff should start a CP or Roller Coaster Classified section on the Guide or Coasterbuzz. :)

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Hey Dan,

Glad you brought this up! As far as the brochures go on ebay, I have bid on both of the two from Magnums first year, and have won both.:) I already have received the first one, which is the 1989 Park Fun Guide. When I received it, some of the pages were loose, but I carefully glued them back into the bind. Now the brochure has been completely restored back to its original condition. As far as the other brochure goes, I have not yet received it, but I know for a fact that someone has hand written "1989" on the cover, so I am going to see what I can do for it when I get it. As far as storing them, go to you local sports card shop. They always have all kinds of vinyl protection sleeves I all sorts of shapes and sizes. I have not decided on what is the best way to protect these two brochures yet, but I am currently keeping them in a fireproof safety deposit box.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
I have park guides from 1980 (kinda in sad shape), 1981, the 1982 and 1983 "Newspaper-style" fun guides, and just about everything (brochure and funguides) from 1985 on. I used to have the 1984 "100 Ways to Have Fun at Cedar Point" brochure, but can't seem to find it. The 1985 ones on up are in excellent shape. I also have the 1991 press folder for Mean Streak, the 1994 press folder for Raptor, and the 1997 press folder.

I have a lot of souvenir maps as well from 1985 on up. Finding them isn't easy either, but I know I have the one from Magnum's first year.

In addition, I buy just about any keychain I can. I especially like the foam rubber ones and the Raptor one where you turn it and three little plates fall into place over the Raptor logo that says "Raptor Rules The Sky- Cedar Point". I guess I'm just easily amused.

ray p.
Can anyone date old maps? I have a few old CP maps from the '70's that my parents got, but there is no date on any of them. I've always wondered what year they were from.
A have a half of the park map( the one you buy) from 91. Also I have the 1986 brochure. and all the park maps and brochures form 1994 to now. If anybody wants the brochures or the maps, tell me your email address and I will scan them and send them to you FREE OF CHARGE. If anybody has any CP stuff you can send them to me at:
I forgot to mention that the biggest thing I want to invest my time and money in is finding patches that I need. (caugh Jeff caugh) So please let me know if you have anything I might be interested in.


Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
LuvRaptor's avatar
I made the DIRE mistake of going on E-Bay and have bought so much CP stuff already. I have a funny feeling Vince was the one who kept outbidding me on the brochures-I finally gave up-did however get the 1994 brochure with Raptor so that made my day-also got the Raptor patch and wont even mention how much that thing ended up costing me! But I do agree with Dan Jeff-why dont you start an "auction" type site here? I think we all trust each other well enough to do that dont you??
Just a thought
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I collect shot glasses and since I began I have be searching for a "MEAN STREAK." Also, any info on the pre-'90s coasters would be appreciated. (As this thread is beginning to show, an auction site would be helpful to all of us...)

"May the Schwartz be with you..."
LOL...Sorry LuvRaptor :) Were at lease 50/50. I was after the Magnum items, and you got the Raptor items. Look at this way, we both won the items that deal with our favorite coasters. Not very shabby if you ask me. Don't feel bad about the price you paid on the Raptor patch, I ended up in a war over a 1989 Brochure that I did win, but ended paying $26 for.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP *** This post was edited by Vince on 2/19/00. ***
Sorry, Dan... my Blue Streak Silver Anniversary, first-year Demon Drop and Amazement Park patches will remain in my permanent collection!
LuvRaptor's avatar

$26.00 for the Magnum brochure Vince? OK now I dont feel so bad (stupid) for the 12.50 I ended up paying for the Raptor patch!
Happy Bidding!!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Well LuvRaptor that 12.50 will be very well worth it if they don't sell that patch in the park again, because most of last season I couldn't find one!

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
I remember last spring before the park opened, that people were selling Magnum 10th Anniversary buttons on ebay. The funny thing is that the people who put them up for auction said that they were only sent out to the media, and that they were not going to be sold in the park. Well I bought about 8 of them from the Gemini Gift Shop. The funny thing is that people were actually bidding $12.00 on them at ebay.

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
Well Matt, its true that is what they said that they were not going to sell them in the park. They probably just had a ton left over and figured they could make a $1.50 off each one. Then again I hope they sell the MF button I got, its very cool.

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Jeff's avatar
So should I hang on to my stash of Millennium Force and Magnum 10 buttons? Pay for my kids' college? (I don't actually have kids yet.)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
No, but you can pay for my college.

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Hey Dan,
I ended up winning that auction for the Magnum patch that I was asking you about. The final cost was 11.50. Not bad considering I thaught I was going to have to dig deeper into my pockets to get it.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP

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