Your choice for the MF Second Hill

I was just wondering why CP didn't make a second big hill before the current second turn around hill. What I mean is like on Magnum a second hill right after the first descent before you turn that is big and has lots of speed. With MF I think the could have had the room go farther out toward mean streak and put a second hill up oh i don't know maybe around 250ft high then drop to the ground and go into the overbanked turnaround. The rest of the ride design the same. By no means am I saying that I don't like MF, I was just wondering if it were your choice would you have done that??? If you look at any picture from battery park you will see what I mean. I don't know for all i know they may have other plans for that area I am talking about.

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I agree that a second hill would probally cool...but why should we complain? We only have the worlds coolest coaster coming to town. ;)
Did I not say in my post that I am not complaining. I love this coaster and I am not one of those complainers about this ride. Just a Question of people's personal choice. ;)

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Perhaps they are protecting the trees for the ambiance of the Trail. It is getting thin over there with the rest of the park encroaching from all sides.
I think they were just tring to go for something different. I've never been on a ride that looked like that, maybe coming out of the hill and into that turn will add a whole new element to things. Won't know till this summer though..
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Jeff's avatar
If you've ever driven down Permieter Road, you know that Thunder Canyon is right there. If you look at the photos I took back in November of the footer area for that first turn, keep in mind I was standing on the rim of Thunder Canyon. It really is that close. You would likely need another 500 feet or more to have another hill.

I like the first turn... it's something we've never seen before.

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"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I think going right into a 122" degree turn will be just as sweet as another huge drop....


Jeffrey Spartan
MONEY! The ride is already over 25 million dollers. Also why does everyone want it to be just like the Magnum?
You would also have to have another hill after the the over banked turn,or have even a longer straight away after the second tunnel.
Ahh its a common desire Alex...take a great idea and drive it into the ground. But I understand what you mean. We already have a Magnum...and now we have a MF, and a bunch more coasters with different elements. Good diversity makes a good park, and a good park makes Robby a happy man.
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
There is a problem with the original post; you would not be able to keep the rest of the ride the same because that extra hill would slow down the ride significantly. The "magnum" hill now at 182' would probably become a 150-160' hill, the 100'over-banked would only be about 80', the hill before the tunnel would be around 40' as opposed to 57'. So you see the ride wouldn't be nearly as interesting with another hill to slow the ride down. The diameter of that first turn is so tight anyway that I highly doubt you'l be screaming: "BOY, I WISH THERE WAS ANOTHER HILL BEFORE THIS!"
I know that the rest of the hills in the ride would be lower and slower. I was just wondering if people liked the idea. To be honest you all brought up great points and I now like the idea of no second hill just the turnaround better than my idea in the original post. More speed, and the first coaster that high that does not have a second big hill. It will be fun!!!

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