

Could anyone see CP doing something like this? Not throughout the park, or even in a queue. But, as you approach a station, you are handed a YONDR pouch to put your phone in and lock it up before you can get on a ride. You unlock it as you exit the ride, take your phone and return the pouch.


Go Intamin

This is a great idea I think. As long as it's done in the station. I usually read on my phone in the queues when I'm alone (the 5th wave is a great book. Terrible movie though) and would hate if they gave it when you entered the queue, but in the station that would make this an amazing idea, and stop the annoying teenage girls from snapchatting on rides.

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CP shouldn't be the phone police. If folks want to spend their entire day glued to their screen, that isn't CP's job to act like mom and dad. Personally when I go to a park alone, I will put my earbuds on and listen to podcasts in a lengthy queue. I would be a bit miffed if the morality police told me I couldn't do that.



thedevariouseffect's avatar

This is a very dumb idea. Cool it would mean zero/less loose articles in the station/queue/on the ride.

However, now that means there needs to be an op with more responsibilities or more ops on station to now handle these bags & get them on either end of the platform and lock/unlock them/etc.

Now, aside from CP..this is a very odd deal. What if a situation like Paris had these in that theater? The Soccer field?

Also, I respect Chappelle, he's a great comedian and great guy overall. But I paid for a ticket to sit in that theater. Whether I listen or not is my choice, I paid for a service, at that point why do you care if they stare and laugh at you the whole time or text? You already got paid lol

Last edited by thedevariouseffect,

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011



malem's avatar

This thing seems to just trap your phone in a bag. It's still a loose article unless otherwise secured, so there seems to be no point in using it on a ride.



CPNostalgia's avatar

Seems like a stupid idea in the first place. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink.

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djDaemon's avatar

thedevariouseffect said:

Also, I respect Chappelle, he's a great comedian and great guy overall. But I paid for a ticket to sit in that theater. Whether I listen or not is my choice, I paid for a service, at that point why do you care if they stare and laugh at you the whole time or text? You already got paid lol

He doesn't care whether or not you pay attention. He cares that people post video of his sets online. Comedians work their asses off to fine tune their sets so that they're as close to perfect as possible. When a comedian's not-quite-ready-for-prime-time set gets posted online, it has a material affect on the comedian's career.

But yeah, this is a stupid idea for amusement parks. No way would I hand over my phone to ride a coaster.




Paisley's avatar

No thanks. I am completely capable of not interacting with my phone without the help of a locked pouch that someone else controls.



djDaemon: You wouldn't hand over your phone. It stays on your person. It's just not available to you, so you might as well put it away (like you are supposed to do anyway).

thedavariouseffect: I thought of a disaster situation too, which is why I wouldn't think it would work park-wide (not that CP would want to do it park-wide, given their social media campaigns) nor even in a typical queue. But, forcing a few people to disconnect for 10 minutes while they load, ride, and unload should not cause a major issue as there would still be plenty of people around to call 911.



thedevariouseffect's avatar

Regardless of anything, I'm not handing over my personal property to a teenager making minimum wage that should be concerned with other areas of safety such as operating the ride or screening individuals to make sure they adhere to the ride's policy.

My phone will be secure in a locker, bin, or zipped cargo pocket. No ones sitting there on their phone waiting to close a restraint.

I will say I am totally ok with installing zipper pouches on rides. Some parks in the chain have had these in the past (see The Crypt @ KI) and it works quite well. Disney is big for using these. Why CP never thought do adopt it is beyond me in some ways. Why cross a train, drop stuff in a small bin and wait to get it placed and now have a chokepoint when you could place it into a small bag before or even after you secure a restraint.

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011


Jack Honor

I agree with the idea of providing zipper pouches/fanny packs. The only ride I've ever used them on/seen them on was Tempesto at BG Williamsburg, and they worked really well. They also put people in the mindset that they need to secure their loose articles ahead of time, instead of locking their restraints only to hand a phone to a ride-op to put in the bins.

"If no one is in your row, you may reride."


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