Yellow Train

On Toledo 11 News @ 6, they said that there were 5-6 hour waits for MF. If this is true, I would guess that the yellow train didn't run today.

Jeff Young
I was there in the morning and the yellow train still was on the transfer track. It still had the water filled dummies in too. The waits however weren't that extreme when I was there. More like 4 hours tops.
I'm going tomorrow and I refuse to wait more than 3 hours. If it's more than 3, I think I'll just wait til the next time I go to Cedar Point. No ride is worth a 6 hour wait. Period.

aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
RockDown2g this ride is worth a whole nother winter. The lines moved very fast, but there were times when it stall for about 15 min. This ride is the best.
Its worth it, theres nothing like it, and I didn't find the ride wait bad at all, about an hour and a half.

Whats life if you nevere get to the point?
Jeff's avatar
There were no 5 to 6 hour waits today. It was generally three most of the day, namely because yellow was not running. As I've said before, it's not a mechanical thing... they just can't get the other two trains unloaded and loaded fast enough to run all three.

Consider this... if you have all three trains lined up, one in the load, one in unload and one in the brakes, you need to move up the back two before you the front train crests the lift. The second train isn't clear to move until the first is completely out of the station, and the third must wait until the second is out. That leaves about 15 seconds to move the second and third trains up, and that ain't much. If they can't do it, the ride sets up and stops a train on the lift.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
I'm gonna get hit for this one, but the answer seems obvious: why [gulp] don't they just slow the lift enough to compensate for the slower loading/unloading?

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May 17, 23, June 2...
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Jeff's avatar
Yeah, you would think it's that obvious. There must be something more to it that only clever Swiss engineers know.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
If you think about it though, the lift basicly catapults the train over the top of the hill, if it did not do this the train might not have enough speed (it probably would have just enough speed), but it wouldnt be as exciting. I would rather have the yellow train running rather than the red, but it's still a great ride whatever the train.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
Okay, then why not accelerate the lift at the top from a slower speed for the rest of it? You know, the opposite of the way most do it?
Well the way I see it, they will have to do something about it if they can't load and unload passengers quick enough... Pretty dumb to leave one train sitting on the transfer track at all times... Changing the lift speed seems like the only thing they can do, I personally think I would like a slower lift speed anyway even though I haven't ridden Millennium Force with its current speed... although the video I saw of the train breezing out of the station and up the lift looked pretty cool, but I think a shorter and faster moving line would make up for the loss : P
This may show my ignorance, or how little attention I was paying to the mechanics on AAA day.

Does the elevator/sled mechanism have to come back down the lift hill completely before the train in the unload station may proceed to the load station?
"Does the elevator/sled mechanism have to come back down the lift hill completely before the train in the unload station may proceed to the load station?"

From what I saw, no it doesn't. I was watching for the sled as I sat in the second row and the thing didn't return to the station until after I had sat down and buckled myself in. After it stopped it waited for the clear sign and then moved back another maybe two inches and you could feel the "clunk" as it engaged the bottom of the train. After that it took off and the ride started.
About the yellow:
Anyone who was around MF at about 11:00/11:30 this morning might have seen a couple of guys emptying all of the yellow train's water dummies and setting them outside the unload station. I was on the ramp at this time and thought that I just might get a ride on yellow. But they left it on the transfer track and as far as I know, never took it off (left the park around 5:00 today). All I have to say is, WHAT A TEASE!
When I was on the train around 4 there were some water dummies still on the train, only the first few rows didnt have any.
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

I see, I just assumed they were taking all of the dummies out.
No Logan, dont take my message as saying you were wrong, they could of taken them out by now, I was just stating that I had seen some in at that time, maybe they are out now, who knows? :)

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Rumor has it that three train operation might begin on Tuesday. I'm going back on Wednesday, so I'll let you all know. :) --Dave Althoff, Jr.
Dave e-mail me, as my daughter and I are going Tues/Wed this week. Would like to get together with you.
Actually, Don Miears told me it was mechanical. The problem is with the roll back devices, and their engaging. On Friday night, while we were at Breakers, you could distinctly hear a hideous noise as they were testing the yellow train.

Don went on to say that each train is different and that it has to be perfected so that the magnetically engaged anti-rollbacks are functioning properly. They figured out the blue, then the red, and now they are almost done with the yellow. He told me that they plan on running yellow on Wednesday.

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