I have been gone awhile now and just recently came back and noticed all the new people..well hello new people..lol...but now where are all the regs at??
A big welcome to all those I have not met yet! And searching for Oldtimer..Servo and the rest..where ya at guys??
I've been here since day 1. Lately the conversations have been too dry for my tastes. I miss the days of the Favorite Waterfountain Threads!
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
Hmm... I think I get that.
"Too dry"... "Waterfountain"... did I pick up on that one?
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
yeah, I just came back too and saw the same thing. WELCOME!!! DAN, what's your favorite water fountain? LOL!!!
I've been here for a long while.
I've been here, but I agree with Dan.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
Not a reg, but have been a poster for the last year or so have been busy with life in general. I usually visit the site 2-3 times a week. I only post when a smart remark needs to be made.
couldn't get in for a few days, but i'm still here...
---May 2001..the month CP re-opens and U2 comes back. it's like i died and went to Heaven.
I still read the site two or three times a day. Give me a few days and I will get some good topics going!
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
I need to revive my History Lesson Threads...
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
Uh-oh, Neil's threatening us again ;)
I check almost every day, but haven't seen much that's grabbed my attention. The "Hello Boys" thread over on CoasterBuzz that got sidetracked into a beer discussion, now THAT'S interesting ;)
http://www.pobox.com/~gregleg/ MF count: 27
Dunno if I'm a reg (certainly wasn't during the season when I was working every day!), but I did participate in the beer discussion at coasterbuzz and uhh, hiyaz. :)
What Dan, you're too good for our conversations now? (waitaminute, I haven't really been participating either...ew)
CP Ride Operations '99-'00
Keep it up Greg, and I'll have it count towards 70% of your grade!;)
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
We, the few, the proud, the regs...as we are so called, have been lurking...in the shadows just waiting for a good discussion topic...Neil's History threads have some possibilities as long as it is NOT the "CP history according to the Lemon Chill Guy"
We may be outta sight but we are not outta here.
OTT: Hmmm... I never thought to consult with the Lemon Chill guy and use him as a reference source!;)
Since I'll be spending a few hours on a plane (and at the USAir Club) tomorrow night, I'll conjure up some questions.
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
Will this be a multiple guess test or essay?
Make it a guess test. Sounds like more fun.
Anyone remember Dave Althoff's thread in which he gave 6 answers, and others had to fill in the questions? That was a riot.
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
topics are kinda dry I agree Dan...maybe we can think of a project...:)
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I'm still here, but I haven't been reading much this winter. Check up now and then. Yes the topics are getting dry....but I did read our CP online story from last winter. That was funny.
2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics: