Worst CP Nightmare?

This happened last night. I was getting on the Blue Streak. They had replaced the body of the train with the Fiberglass ones from the Corkscrew, complete with the stupid harness and all. To add insult to injury, the train was painted neon green. The first drop was OK, but soon as we reached the crest of the second hill, by shoulders banged into the restraint so hard that it popped open. Lucky for me I fell out and the ride was over. It gets worse. I did not get to land by the Raptor platform and jump on that. I ended up in some county fair were there was one coaster. It did not have a chain, or elevator lift, so the trains got to the top by being towed by a tractor which was driven by a very large man who smelled really bad. I woke up and ran over to hug my CP map.

My best dream was riding the Millennium Force backwards! I rode in the front too, which I guess would actually be the back. I never got to ride it for a complete circuit when facing the right way though.
Joe E

You have some wierd dreams. I think the worse one I had was Millennium Force's First hill falling into the water. TSUNAMI!!!!!!

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
One of mine was falling of from the top of the Power Tower.

MF Count: 11
LuvRaptor's avatar
Mine was Hooper and I holding hands during the ENTIRE MF ride, and I mean he was in FRONT of me.

Then something about riding Raptor barefoot.

Man these nightmares seemed SOO real!!!

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 NY Mets locker room inspector
What I want for Christmas: Mike Piazza!!
Falling from Mantis, and landing and feeling fine.

Having my train on Corkscrew dispatch backwards,(to the brake run) and I am in the back, and the other train slams into us.

Mean Streak burning (Well, thats not a nightmare)

Raptor closed forever, but not torn down, it becomes a SBNO.

Walking the MF track, but it really is riding it. Cheaper than sending trains.

Gemini becomes like most other racers, non racing.

I have a number of CP shirts that I take care of obsessively - hand wash in cold water with drip dry, etc. Last year at Coastermania I saw a gentleman in a Raptor tee, the black one with the large fluorescent orange beak. His shirt had beak of Raptor was flaking off badly. A few days later, I dreamt that I had mistakenly washed my similar shirt in hot water in the washing machine. When I pulled it out, the orange part was gooey and sticking to everything. I was so bummed.

I once experienced a living nightmare working at Challenge Park, but that’s a different story (that is to say, just working in challenge park is a nightmare!).

- Raptor Dave (not "Raptor Man Dave") *** This post was edited by CPDave on 12/16/2000. ***
Never had one. You all think about CP a little too much! LOL :)

Michigan State Spartans NCAA National Champions
The only CP related dream I've had was that I was riding Mantis and it was inverted. Near the end of the ride the track dissapeared and I went headfirst into a tree.

You build it, I ride it
Never had a nightmare, but after opening day, I rode MF over and over in my dreams.

If she weighs as much as a duck, she's made of wood, and therefore a witch.
I've had about, oh, 10, nightmares about CP more directly MF. I kept getting to the station, and sometimes sitting in the car, lap bar down and everything, but somehow, I NEVER rode it in my dreams. Once though, I got to the first drop, before I rode it, and it was EXACTLY how the drop really is. After I got off for the first time, I just though to myself, wow, that is what it was really like. Oh well, after I rode it the dreams stopped.:)

"Live tomorrow tomorrow, and today today."

*** This post was edited by eggs on 12/17/2000. *** *** This post was edited by eggs on 12/17/2000. ***
It wasn't a nightmare, but a few weeks before going to CP, I had a dream that Millennium Force was somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Before getting on, the ride operator had to dress me up in layers upon layers of thick jackets and headgear. Also, I had to get the clothing on quickly, because the train was coming into the station. I could see it coming down the mountain.

I never did get to ride it, either.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
i had the worst dream of all.
i dreamed that six flags bought cedarpoint and started putting in cloned rides.
My worst nightmare was that i drove the 8 hours to the point and MF was broken down when i was there!!!
I had one a few days ago about taking a camera for some cool pics on the Millennium Force, and because of the camera's "extra weight", the cars were too heavy for the track and the circuit was snapped. Everyone was ok, but it took the rest of the day for them to fix the ride and everyone was pissed at me. It sucked.

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
Before I ever rode Mantis (my first year @ the park, it was down all day both days I was there)

I dreamt about it, and although the circuit was different, I actually call that dream my first standup experiance because it was so real! *** This post was edited by Brett on 12/18/2000. ***
cough...ah are you sure that first one was a dream Jo...cough

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:
My one and only cp nightmare was when I worked there last summer....I had this dream that I got into this huge fight with my Assistant team leader on Raptor, and that I swore at Him and said I quit, then I was magically in park-op but I don't remember what happened after that. When I woke up in my dorm room the next morning I was not sure If I still worked there or not! Had to think for a few minutes! ~A
I have never even dreamed of Cedar Point until this off season, and it seems like any one of my dreams now is about Cedar Point. I had this one last night that started out great, but then. you will see.

It was May 6th, they opened the park at 6 am, and it was still dark out. I went in the Soak City Entrance and wanted to ride the Magnum First, but it was not running. I looked over toward the Mean Streak and to my delight I saw a train whipping around the 1st banked turn. I ran over there and they had got new rolling stock. I rode that and I had the best Ride ever. It was full of tons negative and vertical G's and was smoother and faster than MF.
Now it gets BAD. I went over to the Raptor, and they changed the design, similar to what they are doing to steel phantom. The first half before the brake was exactly the same, but the second half was different. There was this one inversion were the train would be upside down and go over a wicked bunny hop. I watched it and thought "what a great new inversion." As I was saying this the train when over the hop and a guy riding in the back fell out onto the track and was hurt. I ran to this phone that was somehow on the Blue Streak Station and called 911. Another train was already on its way and I thought this guy would get ran over when it passed through the inversion. I said "close the Raptor" but the operator had no idea what I was talking about (Try and call 911 right now and tell them close the Raptor and see what they say). I was transferred to CP and told them, and the raptor was stopped at the block brake. All these people came to help, but the guy somehow got off the track and walked away. Everyone was pissed at me because I closed the ride. I tried to tell them that the ride was not safe but they would not believe me. I eventually rode the Raptor, but here is the worst part. I was so scared of the back that I rode in the second seat from the front. AHHHHH

Joe E

I had a dream last night. My big cousin and my little cousin and I were at Cedar Point and We going to ride Millennium Force. This had to be like years in the future because everything was dusty and Millennium Force's trains had large dents and small holes in it like someone shot at it. You could get in the park without a ticket but if you wanted to ride you would get your hand stamped. We hadn't. The ride op used the florecent light to see if I had a stamp. TO my suprise, there was the stamp I got from a few years back. We all got on and rode.

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.

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