Workers of color

Hey I just got back from the point and I noticed that there arent too many workers of color there.  The only ones you see are in the parking lot and the Chuck Wagon.  Occasionally you will see someone elsewhere, but it seemed to me that they were few and far between.  And in the shows, how can you have a white girl singing Destiny's Child??? Or Aretha Franklin?? These just dont work with white women , sorry.  And also the show by Raptor with the calypso stuff, how can you only have white guys doing it?  There is a very nice assortment of people from eastern Europe, but thats about it on the foreign workers, I dont think I saw one Asian person working.  I understand if they just dont get anyone of these origins, but I would be surprised.  Does anyone know whats up?

*** This post was edited by Disneypoint on 8/20/2001. ***

If you read the sign for "Heat of the Beat" it states the band is from a college. Cedar Point didn't hire them individually.

To say that someone who is white doesn't have the ability to sing the same song that someone of color sings in simply racist in my view. Why can't a "white girl" sing an Aretha Franklin song? Should I tell my younger sister, "Sorry sis, you can't sing any songs by Destiny's Child." 

Considering that many of Cedar Point's interviews are done over the phone, it is nearly impossible to gauge origin, color, etc. So if you're asking if I think Cedar Point is racist? No. I may be reading your post wrong, but what you say just sounds very derogative. Sorry if I misinterpreted your post.

MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1

The demographics of Cedar Point's work-force are easier to understand if you also understand the demographics of North-Central Ohio....

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

well i see afracian people working there just not at the shows
I interviewed at Cedar Point and I can tell you flat out there was no racisim on my part or the people I recruited with.  We were desperate for employees and it would have been suicide to discount black applicants or any others for that matter.
Truth be told, the percentage of white applicants over all else was significant.  Add to that the recruitment of Europeans who are also predominantly white and you get the picture.
There are not a lot of black in upper management at the Point but that goes directly to there being fewer blacks in the lower ranks to promote.  The bigger issue is the lack of women in upper management roles throughout the company.
While there has been progress in the last few years, particularly in accommodations and merchandise, you still don't find many women in executive positions in the company.  While some of that may be the nature of the business, women with families not being able to work the grueling hours, I think there is something more to it.

*** This post was edited by Chief Wahoo on 8/21/2001. ***

Disneypoint said:
Hey I just got back from the point and I noticed that there arent too many workers of color there.  The only ones you see are in the parking lot and the Chuck Wagon...And in the shows, how can you have a white girl singing Destiny's Child??? Or Aretha Franklin?? These just dont work with white women , sorry... I dont think I saw one Asian person working....Does anyone know whats up?

*** This post was edited by Disneypoint on 8/20/2001. ***

To be frank, I think your insecurities are up--and not much else.
First of all, there are plenty of black people, white people and purple people who can't pull off an Aretha Franklin song on stage.  CP's problem isn't finding people of color to's finding people willing to perform all summer for $300-and-change a week.
As far as overall African-American employment is concerned, I can absolutely assure you CF only cares that people come to work--regardless of skin tone.  Why?  Because I live close to a CF park with an even lower percentage of African-Americans than Ohio (Minnesota) and you'll always find them working there.  You'll find African-American rideops, performers, lifeguards and more.  Of course you'll also find Asian-Americans (Hmong, Thai, Vietnamese), Somalians and others doing the same thing.  As long as you don't have large tattoos, you can work.  Heck, you can even work with gold teeth--as long as you can prove they're permanent.  Trust me.  I've seen a few.
Personally, I just love the variety of people that staff the park...even if the food service people occasionally slip a 'Oui' or two in my order or the little British lifeguards tell me to cover me 'bum' if I lose my tube while whitewater surfing.  I just say 'Cam an ko' (Thank you. miss) to the Vietnamese gal renting me my locker keys and enjoy my day at the park.
(A poster of color, to borrow your phrase)

Jeff's avatar
I'm wondering why this was brought up at all? White people can't sing as well as black people? That seems pretty stupid. Does that mean I can't cook Chinese food or play basketball because I'm white? Frankly that's what the original post suggests.

This one is done before it gets started. I can't be as rational and cool-headed as CPlaya.

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