Winning that big teddy bear.

What are some of the games of skill at the park that are good to play with a decent chance of winning something? Do they have Peanuts characters for prizes? I would love to bring some of these back for my daughter. Anyway of cheating on some of these games?
Back in 1992, when the BIG prize at the softball-in-the-milkcan booth was a giant white gorilla, my son(then 12, and never played youth baseball) decided he wanted to use his CP buy-one-get-one-free ticket to throw a few.

Knowing how hard it is to win at any of these games, I was about to tell my son not to be too discouraged if none of the balls went in, since the park, like a casino, always has the odds in its favor; and maybe he would be lucky-enough to win one of the smaller prizes. Before I had that chance, however, my son had filled the bottle with all three balls, and was the proud owner of a white stuffed gorilla the width of the third-row seat in a mini-van. (No exaggeration---that's where it sat in the family's Voyager for the rest of the vacation, up to Niagra Falls, and back home.)

Moral of the story: My kid won the gorilla for the same reason kids can beat adults at video games. While I was anylizing how to get the balls in the can, my son just threw the balls into the can.

You want a big prize? Don't spend too much time thinking about how you're going to do it.

Have Fun!
The Fascination Station is easy to cheat at. Even so, it is still very hard to win. ;)

Cheaters may never win when your playing a carnival game. Then again nether do people who don't cheat.

No, in really it just takes lots of practice (and money).

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Here's one. About five years ago, I wanted to win a prize for my new girlfriend, now wife. The very first game I played I won something big, like a bear or something. I then wanted to win another. I went on to spend $62 trying to win tthat second prize, but never did. I could have won something for $1 but instead spent $63. That, my friends, is no joke.
The easiest game for me to win is whack-a-mole vs. little kids. I just have to get over the guilt of sending a bunch of 8 year old girls packing with no prizes.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
I used to win at the fishing game. Remember it? It was the one that had a magnet at the end and you had to pick up a puck in moving water.
I feel kind of guilty about this but I used to be able to cheat at whac-a-mole. After I gave the attendant my dollar, and they reset the machine, I started pushing on the heads of the moles and twisting them while they were still down in the holes (I think they are sharks actually) before the game started. I was doing this by accident and realized my score started to go up. When the game finally started I already had 60 points. It just took me 4 hits to get to a hundred. The attendant goes "Wow, I've never seen anyone do it that fast before" I just said "Uh Yeah". I played a couple more times but people were starting to get on to me.

Now before anybody else gets any bright ideas, the trick only worked one year, it doesn't work anymore. Like a jackass I try every year and it just doesn't work.

I apologize if I have offended anyone with my stupidity. This is just another chapter in my life at CP.
"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs *** This post was edited by Bernz on 6/10/2000. ***

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