Window Stickers

FluffyliketheForce's avatar

I seen a couple of window stickers on the website. They have Raptor, Magnum, and TTD. [They show MF tho] Does anyone know what these look like once applied? I was thinking about getting one for my car but wasn't to sure.


"Ive got the need, the need for speed!"

bholcomb's avatar

They look pretty cool I guess.. Like the logo of the ride on your car.

Phantom 1898's avatar

I stuck the Raptor one on the front of my LapTop and it looks sweet there. I'll post a pic. when I find my camera.

All it is, once applied, is white vinyl letter, like what is used on signs.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |

SnM311's avatar

We bought a Raptor one last year in October for our truck, and my daughter noticed the other day that part of the "face" was gone :(

Season Pass holder since 2006
I <3 HalloWeekends!

I have a Dragster and Magnum sticker in the lower corners of my rear windshield. I like the way they look. Even four years later, they've weathered quite well, though, some small edges are missing, mainly from scraping ice off during the winter. But overall, they still look nice on my car.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

I've had the MF and TTD stickers on the rear windshield of car since 2004 and they still look great. Just be careful in the winter that you do not scrape snow or ice off that part of the windshield and you should be fine.

It's pretty much the same as vinyl stickers that car dealerships use to advertise their businesses on cars that they sell.

~Rob Willi

***Edit - Ohhh bad english on my part. Somebody setup us the bomb!
*** Edited 7/2/2007 4:11:15 PM UTC by HeyIsntThatRob?***

They look pretty good.

Favorite Coasters 1.MF 2. TTD 3. Raptor 4. Gemini 5. Magnum
Maverick perhaps? I wanna RIDE ON.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I need another Dragster sticker but I cant seem to find one anywhere! Does anyone know where they have some?

Though I DO work for a sign company now...AND I AM in the vinyl I guess I could just make one.;)

*** Edited 7/3/2007 1:40:11 AM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

raptorqueen's avatar

I have had my stickers for probably 3 years now. They are still all in great shape, Raptor, TTD, MF, and Magnum.

Some are still hanging in the Pagoda shop that I could see during Coastermania.

I need to buy one of each again in case I get a different car!

Cedar Point, Americas rip- rockin', high flyin', sky defyin', record breakin' roller coast

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm a man of my word.
The Dragster one still needs to be made. *** Edited 7/5/2007 10:31:54 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

FluffyliketheForce's avatar

I ended up ordering the Raptor one [and a new shirt]. If i can find the MF one id like that too. Thanks for all the feedback guys!

"Ive got the need, the need for speed!"

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