Wicked Twister Seat Belts/Restraints

alright, quick question, not sure if this was already discussed before or not, but I haven't gained any weight since last year, none at all, but when I went to ride WT this year they can’t get the restraints down far enough on me to buckle the seat belt all of a sudden. Why is this? Anyone know? I made the comment to one of the workers there and they swear the belts have not changed, I beg to differ, I am certain the belts have been shortened.

When WT first opened my dad who is not the smallest by any means had no issues fitting on this ride then a few years later something changed and he couldn't fit when he didn’t change at all. Now I am having the same issue.

Makes no sense to me. Why can't they just leave things alone?? Can anyone shed some light on this for me?


Last edited by Staaber,

Sometimes I think people need to go back to school and learn how to spell,wait instead of weight.

^^ I think you're right because me and my friends ran into the same problem. We were there in 2012 and had no problems with the restraints/belts, however this year when we rode WT one of my friends was not allowed to ride because he couldn't fit and he is exactly the same size he was last season..

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Wicked Twister Fan's avatar

I don't believe the seat belts are any shorter than last year. I've had issues with not being able to buckle the belt myself sometimes, but it doesn't happen too often. I think some of my issue comes from being bigger in the chest and shoulders. The last time I was there I had to have gal who was checking the seat belts and restraints help me with the belt. I had to push the harness from the top in order for her to get the belt buckled.

I'm not too sure why I have this problem.

I think it is the same as last year, but last year something aggravating happened. After years of being able to ride Wicked Twister, suddenly I couldn't fit anymore...after dropping about 20 lbs. I am not the same size I used to be; I am noticeably smaller, and I can't fit.

Something most certainly changed.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Last year was the first year I was unable to fit as well. I went from fitting easily the year before to having more than an inch gap between the belt and the buckle with no real weight fluctuation from one year to the next.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
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brieeee said:
Sometimes I think people need to go back to school and learn how to spell,wait instead of weight.

There, fixed it, happy? :)

Aaronosmer's avatar

As with everyone else as of last year I am unable to fit Wicked Twister, and my weight hasn't changed.

Gplez90's avatar

It could very well be the type of clothes you are wearing. Also, it could be due to objects in you pocket that prevent the restraints from closing further. I always have to shift around items in my pocket before i get on Wicked Twister.

JW Addington's avatar

As i have said before, that belt length is a joke! It could be 2 inches longer and not compromise the safety of the restraint if the locking mech. failed. I have seen a small person with the restraint all the way down on them, not be able to get the belt to the lowest point on the seat and had to use the other, which had a lot of slack in it. I dont see the issue with having a longer belt.

If the other impulse coasters have longer belts, not sure why WT needs to have extremely short belts. If it was manufacturer recommended, all impulse coasters would have the same length belt.

Sounds like you have to be a stick figure to fit on it anymore! I tried the test seat, wasnt even close. I will try a seat on the ride next time because the belt latch on the test seat seemed a little to far back, and i had a hard time believing the belt is actually that short! I went on it last year, i should be able to this year because im the same size, if not a little thinner. But we have all heard the reviews so far, so not getting my hopes up.

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I just can't understand how with no change from last year I went from being comfortable riding this ride to not being able to ride at all. And years before last I was actually heavier than I am now and still was able to ride and fit.

I'm telling you something has changed. When this ride first opened my Dad who is not the smallest person by any means (he's not fat either!) fit no problem and for a few years after was able to ride then all of a sudden he couldn't ride one year.

Now all of a sudden I ran into the same issue. Makes no sense. Why can't they make the seat belt tie in like they do on Raptor and go between the legs!!

Oh well, at least WT isn't the best ride in the park and I can still ride MF and TTD!!! And fit comfortably!!

Ride on!!!

I myself not being a "small" guy has trouble getting into WTs seats. But I noticed one day when I rode the rode twice in one day that the length of the seat belt wasn't different in two different rows. Once I sat in row 7 or 8 and had to have an employee help me buckle in. The next time in row 5 I had absolutely no trouble at all buckling up. My guess is over the years of bring used the belts fray and have to be replaced by maintenance, and not all the belts they use are the same length.

Pete's avatar

That's pretty much common to many rides. It is not so noticeable on the arrow rides as they have long seat belts, but I've noticed that I have different amounts of slack in the seat belts depending on seat location when I ride the Intamin rides.

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than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

jake96 said:
I myself not being a "small" guy has trouble getting into WTs seats. But I noticed one day when I rode the rode twice in one day that the length of the seat belt wasn't different in two different rows. Once I sat in row 7 or 8 and had to have an employee help me buckle in. The next time in row 5 I had absolutely no trouble at all buckling up. My guess is over the years of bring used the belts fray and have to be replaced by maintenance, and not all the belts they use are the same length.

Good info to know. I'm going to have to check this out

Pete said:
That's pretty much common to many rides. It is not so noticeable on the arrow rides as they have long seat belts, but I've noticed that I have different amounts of slack in the seat belts depending on seat location when I ride the Intamin rides.

Thanks Pete!

Thabto's avatar

I fit in the ride when I was in the park last month, but on Wednesday, I wasn't allowed to ride because I couldn't fit. I know I didn't gain any weight in a month. Last time I sat in the back and this week I was in about the 4th or 5th row. Maybe the seats in the back are less restrictive.

Usually if you can't fit try readjusting the way you are sitting, or if you have a jacket on take it off. If that doesn't work then try to push down on the top of the harness as a ride host buckles the seatbelt.

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What do the restraints look like without padding? Like, just the skeleton? Are there different anchoring points to which the seat belt can connect to? I ask this because while the seat belts may indeed be the same length, could they have a different anchor point, thus creating "shorter" belts? I had an issue last year when I fit comfortably in the last seat but then I went to the front seat, on my next ride mind you, the belt was at least a half-inch away from clicking.

For me Wicked Twister is more of a "chest" issue. I'm fairly muscular through my upper body and into my shoulders and Twister is the only ride I have problems with, although I've always gotten it to buckle. Also, another problem might be that the seats are narrower than those of Raptor. I notice my butt doesn't necessarily touch the bottom of the seat, which would cause the restraint to be tighter, and even not buckle.

Edit: my point was you could put on chest mass and maybe not be gaining weight, but I'm sure the seat belts could be different lengths too, just like on Millenium Force.

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