Wicked Twister Dream

Ok, this is a bit on the weird side, and I'm not sure what kind of reaction it will get, but here you go. During the off season I admit I do have occasional dreams about Cedar Point, and I just had my first Wicked Twister dream. I think it may have come about since I have been berated by friends of mine for not expecting it to be very exciting, and also because I have been spending alot of time playing with No Limits Coaster Simulator every night before going to bed.

In the dream I got on WT with my best friend's cat. There were no restraints on the ride, just two metal rings on the sides of the seat to hold on to. However, I couldn't hold on to them because I was holding on to the cat. My friend had told me I could take him to the park as long as I didn't lose him.

The ride was VERY exciting and scary without the restraints (yes, I know in real life it would be IMPOSSIBLE to ride without restraints). The next thing I know the cat and I are on the other side of the park going up the lift hill on Magnum. The car was a single car like on wildcat but held six people (and one cat). We got stuck half way up and had to walk back down. My friend was waiting at the bottom upset that I had gotten stuck on Magnum with her cat.

Then I woke up.

Hope I didn't waste too much space with this post, but what the heck, I laughed about it when I woke up and especially when I told my friend about it, who said immediately, "Don't even think about it!!" I figured if nothing else this would be light enough to help ease some of the tension evident in some of the other posts recently.


Sounds like you ate some bad mushrooms before you went to bed.
Thats.... nice.

"I really should be looking up info on Charles Lindbergh right now..."
Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
BEST PRODUCT PLACEMENT! http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Oh my...

And Happy Birthday MiLlEnIuMRiDeR...
"I'm Bored..."

*** This post was edited by Wí¢këÐ Twî§të® on 12/4/2001. ***

...........................so...............how bout them Yankees?

But, it sounds like you have a problem with cats. You should make-up with the feline. (Oh sweet Jesus, I'm turning more insane everyday. DAMN YOU PUBLIC SCHOOLING!)

MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1

At least you didn't dream about the train shooting up the twist and off. My husband, son and I have yet to ride an impulse. The first thing both of them mentioned was how in RCT if the impulse speed is too fast, the train shoots off the track.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
I think it means you need to get a cat and name him Cedar.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
That was the funniest damn thing I've read all Day..LOLOLOL...That dream made my day CPAmnimal..I can just picture some freaked out cat on a ride while you try to hold onto it..LOL

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

LoL that would be one freaky on-ride photo...

Tommy Penner - http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
"We shall go foreward, not back. We will go up, and not down. And twirling, twirling, always twirling to victory!"

I had a dream within a dream about WT recently  that started out with your feet dragging on the ground during the launch and flying off the back spike and falling to my awakening within another dream.  Mmmmmm... false awakenings
I had a dream about WT. I was in line for the ride, but when I got to the station the coaster turned into X.

It turned out I was on the first ride EVER. But then it started up the hill without any restrants. So I jumped off at the bottom of the first drop.

I have a dream about mf last year.  I went to the park when it was closed and thought it would be abandoned. I could'nt find mf.  I finally found the station, but I saw construction workers taking it apart.  The entire first hill was gone.

Then in another dream I was riding Mantis and my restraint just opened right when the train was hitting the brakes.  I fell the ground, got back up, and walked away.

"Life is like a roller coaster;enjoy it."

Thats Weird A Few Years Ago I Had A Dream Where I Was Riding Raptor And All Of A Sudden my Seatbelt Came Undone And The Harness Flew Open Next Thing I Know I Am Hanging By One Of The Support Posts Overhead Of The Lift Hill.I Lost my Grip,fell To The Ground,Got Up And Walked Away, Weird huh?

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