I went to CP on Friday the 11th and I must say I don't know why I was holding back from ever riding the Magnum XL 200!?! I'm 13 and as a kid I would say," I'll NEVER go on the Magnum if my LIFE depended on it!"

Well time passes and we didn't go to CP for like 3 years. I came back when I was 12 once again with a friend but she was afraid to go on almost everything so I in turn was scared too.

On my most recent trip, 1 day ago, I finally stood up (whoops that's the Mantis' thing)I mean I RODE the Magnum. WHAT WAS I HOLDING BACK FOR?

well, I really hope to come back for Halloweekend. Should I ride MF? I am absolutely terrified, but everyone says that the first hill isn't so bad. Should I go?
by the Very Confused, can't get enogh of CP and minor roller coaster enthuiest ~Meredith Petro
your like me, I never would ride Magnum, but i went this year and my mom talked me and 2 of my friends into riding MF. We rode MF with our hands up and it was amazing. With your hands up MF isn't bad at all. Go for it.

Them we rode Magnum, and Magnum was ood, but somewhat boring after MF.
Millenium Force isn't bad at all - the lift hill goes by so very fast that you don't really notice it - by the time you start getting scared about it, you're already on your way down! The whole ride is incredibly smooth and easy. The overbanked turns look bad, but again, you're going so fast you don't notice. You'll love it! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
You know what? I felt the EXACT same way you did when I first saw MF. I got SOOOO freaked out when I saw it...it was SOOO big, and SOOO intimdating...

But you know what?? Think of it this way (I did): Is it worth it to just wander around, wondering what the ride would have been like, staring at it, deciding to go on, then not...etc etc?? It's not! Pretty soon, time will go by, and you will have missed your chance. I know, because I felt the same way when I went on my first coaster. And now here I am, a coaster FREAK!

My advice to you is to just ignore the height. Forget about all of your fears, and just go on. Force yourself. Really, MF is a FANTASTIC ride, and if you like rollercoasters, this is THE one to go on! The first drop is not bad...it is VERY far from bad!!! It is THE greatest drop in the history of mankind...u a Gemini freak??? Think of it this way; MF will be Gemini times, ohh.......about 100!

Seriously, just go on! You'll WON'T regret it!
I had seen many pictures of the Millennium Force prior to actually going to CP and riding it. I was thinking, "Boy, this is going to be great!"

Then, we're driving up the causeway, and a friend of mine (who really knows CP) was pointing everything out to me. I really didn't look at anything other than MF. I think my dad was worried about me... I kept saying, "Look at that TURN! Oh my GOD, look at that TURN! It's so HIGH!" For some reason, that turn freaked the crap out of me, and I got really scared.

But, of course, I forced myself to ride the gargantuan coaster, and boy was it a thrill! It's such a smooth ride, delivers with the airtime on every hill, and you walk off with a smile on your face. In fact, not once did I see somebody get off the ride without praising it or jumping for joy or just smiling from ear to ear.

If you have the opportunity, go for it. You won't regret it. :)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
You should go. Ride it no matter what. Ride it even if TTR is in effect. Ride it even if you have to wait four hours in a line extending to Frontierland because of a breakdown. Ride it even if Richard Kinzel is collecting promissory notes for people's first born at the queue entrance. Ride it because GOD COMMANDS YOU TO...well, okay, maybe He hasn't, but if He was here, He would, I guarantee it.

Riding it is a requirement for living. You MUST go. Otherwise you will be hunted down by the mafia.

Do you get the idea I have a high opinion of this ride? :)
MY brother said he didnt get that "lost stomach" feeling, did any of you get that Feeling???
Visit my Cedar Point page!! homestead.com/ericscedarpointpage/cedarpoint.html
I didn't get that "Feeling" because the ride is so powerful - you feel like it could do so much more than it does. It goes so fast that you don't even realize what is happening until it's over, and the only word you have is WOW!!! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Personally, i was more freaked out the 2nd time simply because i was in front car. i don't know why it is an awesome ride though

oh don't worry, the first hill isn't all that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!!!!!

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