Why TTD is down... asked personally to CP.


I just got a call back from CP and a theme park representive gave me a very clear idea what's wrong with TTD. Dragster orginally closed because there was many contamininents in the hydralic oil, like metal parts (not good) so they had to filter it out by taking all the oil out cleaning it then puting it back in its spot. Then they said after they finished they found out something was wrong with a valve that caused this. So they are working on this now. I also asked him about CoasterMania and how I blew a lot of money off of that, waiting for TTD since that's why I came to CM. He said that they do not give refunds, but they said they are just as frustrated for TTD being down as me. He said they would send me passes in the mail for me to jump right in front of the line(through the exit) and cut anybody I want, just walk right on. For me my brother and dad. I think that is pretty great since they didn't have to do that, but CP knows how it feels, so they give me those passes. I think CP is doing a great job on trying to keep their guests happy, kudos to you.

TTD Launches: 0 :(
MF Plunges: 10
Wicked Twists: 9
Magnum Bullets: 24
Raptor Strikes: 17
Mantis Rolls: 6
"TTD is sometimes the tallest, fastest coaster in the world, but other times like now, it's just the biggest coat rack in the world." Paddle Wheel Excursions ride op "Captain Lighweight"-



They're awesome. And it looks like Dragster is slowly coming back to life :)

"Scream early, because once you reach 420 feet no one will hear you."-Rob Decker



Sounds good, but you may want to know that if it is the same pass that I got when the cable snapped, it is not good on TTD. However, you can use it on anything else, so you can save a 2 hr wait on MF instead :)
Admin- rollercoast.proboards16.com/

Chris Anaya

If it is the same pass given at Coastermania, it is good only for TTD. It is for Freeway style boarding only.



TTD Launches: 0 :(
MF Plunges: 10
Wicked Twists: 9
Magnum Bullets: 24
Raptor Strikes: 17
Mantis Rolls: 6
If it tastes bad, it's good for you.



Jeff's avatar
Can you trim your signature to three lines or less, please?

Webmaster/GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM



altec tech, did the rep say anything about it opening soon?
Top Thrill Dragster: 0
Millenium Force: 10
Magnum: 52


The status page at CP.com is updated with the date and says nothing new on it. I would guess they will test all of tomorrow and open it Sunday.



Kevin Lehman

I can see it: "Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Are you ready for Top Thrill Dragster...again?" Sorry...couldn't resist. :)

Cedar Point - where SBNO is not an option (although maintenance doesn't count as such)!

*** This post was edited by Kevin Lehman 6/14/2003 5:45:55 AM ***


Jeff da Beat

Jeff da Beat's avatar
The page has been doing that everyday. They give it a new dates without really updating the page.

If you look at the middle webcam, however, you will see that where there was once a train resting in the turn, there is now nothing. Something is going on.

Ohio State, here I come!


Big D

Yea, Most likely its just a script that changes the date to the current and doesnt really do anything else. So if TTD might open today later on, I doubt the status page will update right away.

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.



There are definatly ride ops on the train now. This is obviously a good sign. If it doesn't open by at least late afternoon, I will be really suprised.

Jeff da Beat

Jeff da Beat's avatar
It's open, look at the webcams.

Ohio State, here I come!



Anyone hear why it is down this time?

Stop Still Dragster 3...2...1... No !! ;)



it's a new ride, down time is expected and accepted.

I find it a-ok and say that CP should get tit o work reliabley before it is fully openable.



It won't be long before somebody finds out why it's down.



Top Thrill JAI

I don't believe Dragster is encountering any major technical problems right now. I would imagine that CP is taking their time getting this thing running again on a full-time basis. They will probably do this periodically throughout this month (Open, Close, Open, Close) - Just think...when you break your foot, once you get the cast off, do you immediately start running? NO - You take your time with small baby steps to get used to walking without the cast again. Dragster is taking its "baby steps" to opening on a full-time basis again. That's just my take on it...

Clear...You're launching in 3..2..1..!



real quick question. With Cedar Point saying metal getting into the hydraulic oil (which is a bad thing)...since they figured out the problem, Im assuming this wont be somethng they have to fix every couple of months right?
*** This post was edited by etniesboy66 6/15/2003 10:50:10 PM ***


I kind of agree with Top Thrill JAI. Hopefully, they will open it up tomorrow, but probaby for just part of the day. I can't imagine why they would update the status page again, but what you said could be interpretted by what they said on the status page.




Well with the new innovations of the ride, they figured out one problem, found out what is leading to it, and is probably going to figure out a way to prevent this from happening. It was an unexpected occurrence so they will probably fix the valve, that's what it sounds like they are going to do from the initial post.

Life has it's ups and downs, might as well make it on a coaster!


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