Why Intamin?

Does anyone know why Cedar Point chose Intamin to design MF? I was just curoius becuase there are so many hyper coaster companies out there today, how did they decide? I was a little surprised when it was announced. I thought it would have been B&M or Morgan.

Jeff's avatar
Several companies were considered, though they obviously wouldn't tell me which. I have a feeling it came down to dollars. Regardless of the manufacturer, I'm guessing that Werner Stengel would be the designer, seeing as how he's designed almost everything this year.

The only thing that surprised me is that, when they signed them on several years ago, Intamin didn't have any big coasters on its resume.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I would have to agree with Jeff. After thinking about it money is what it always comes down to and now Intamin is the hot company out there. At the time they had no hypers until Superman maybe the success of that ride sealed the deal.
Maybe the talked to many of the "hypercoaster" manufacturers and they all put together a design and Intamin had the best design.

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
I wonder if another manufactureer was choosen, if the track design would be the same because if they were to go with Stengle regardless of manufacturer
i was told by someone and i dont remember who or when they told me, but that the reason that Morgan, Arrow, etc wouldnt do the 300 ft. coaster at CP was because there wasn't enough room to use the conventional chain lift which requires a lower angle of ascent (about 30 degrees, right Dave?) than the elevator style of MF that Intamin used. That was just what I was told. I am not saying that is the reason behind it, just something I remember hearing.

All I want to do is ride...the rollercoasters!
Kansas Wesleyan University
2000 NSCAA Men's Nation
Jeff's avatar
The track design would've been whatever that company used. Look at the giant Morgan in Japan, with the huge spine. Stengel actually designed SOB at PKI, Goliath at SFMM and MF at Cedar Point... all different track types but the same designer.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
wait a second... i am a little confused.. what does this Werner Stengel guy do then? and if he designs them then what did intamin do? does he just make up the layout and then intamin figures out all the exact measurements and stuff? Sounds like a really cool job to design all those coasters, i thought the companies did that though....?
I am not talking about the actual track cross- section, but rather the path the track follows.
Jeff's avatar
Stengel designs the layout. From everything I've read about him, his firm has some engineering responsibilities, but the underlying technology is largely up to the manufacturer.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
For more information go to his website at: http://members.aol.com/rcstengel/
I think it probably came down to lowest bid for it and who was willing to build a complete prototype. 10 years ago, people were amazed that a coaster broke 200. They never thought that ANYTHING would break 300. Again, Cedar Point shuts up the nay-sayers.
Homer Simpson: Will you stop your spontaneous cussing?
Bart Simpson: Hell yeah.
Maybe they wanted a coaster by a different CO., and Intamin just fit it. This is probably not it, but you never know.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
I personly think Cedar Point choose Intamin because that how they are ahead of the other manufactures technology wise. They have done many different proto-types that have all worked out very well.
Their secretary was really, really cute.


"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
That's right, jonC. And she had a great voice.

doesthat mean we can put rcstengel on our buddy lists? considering it is an AOL page.
"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks

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