Why does the lift speed up?

It isn't too hard to realize that the elevator lift gets a little speed boost when it gets to a certain point. Why does this happen?

"Vote early and vote often"
When the returning train gets pass the brakes and into the exit station, the track is completely clear, so the lift goes to its max speed. This usually happens half way up, and is a little startleing for first-timers.
Force312 is correct...it's all about blocking. The train begins it's climb at a slower rate so as to allow the third train to enter the unload station before the train climbing the lift reaches the top. Once the waiting block behind the unload station is completely clear, the next block is clear and the lift speeds up to full speed.

This is also one of the main causes for a train to stop on the lift, about two-thirds of the way from the top. If the train reaches a certain point on the lift, before the waiting block reads clear, the system stops the lift until the block does read clear.

James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus"
Does this mean that it is possible to dispach a train while the other train is still on the course (didn't hit magnetic brakes yet)?


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
in a way i miss 2 train operation ,back then the lift was quick all the way up the lift hill!!

I hate to argue with ya force,but I have seen this year when the train dispatched before other train hit brakes. I noticed it while doing laps on CP&LERR. I don't know exactly when the dispatch time is.

I wish the lift was slower. More time to look around and become scared.
Nah, the line would be ridiculously long if it had a chain lift. It takes long enough for the Magnum to reach 205 feet on a chain. Imagine the line for the ride if each train had to climb up 310 feet at 5 mph!
If the ride had a chain lift, maybe they would dispach the train faster and extend the station block? The line wouldn't be that much longer.


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
"300 foot, actually 312 foot above the ground is a very substantial height, and if we had gone the traditional way with a chain lift probably we should have built a lift with a 30-degree angle, and the maximum speed we could have achieved with the chain lift would have been approximately 50% of the speed what we have on the Millennium Force or even less, and we felt that building a coaster that people would be sitting on the chain on the lift for one to two minutes could be boring."
Quoted from Sandor Kernacs, President of Intamin from his speech at Coaster Mania. This quote was taken from Dave Althoff's Web Page and the transcript from Coaster Mania. http://capital2.capital.edu/admin-staff/dalthoff/adventures/coastermania.html

~Chip Force
In response to Winston's comment, I thought the same thing after my first ride. As the lap count increased, however, I grew to like the lift - it's part of what makes MF unique. That was MF's "hidden trick" for me - as much as I researched CP before going my first time in May, I had no idea about the lift's "second gear". That scared the hell out of me!
First we Rock - then we Roll!
When you are in line next time waiting, watch the train on the lift hill when you are next to the first brakes past the magnetic ones,you will hear them reset once the proceeding train clears them, right then you'll see that the lift speeds up.
Hey guys wanted to let you know when we are allowed to clear trains on the Force. Believe it or not we are allowed to dispatch the loaded train once the traveling train passes through the tunnel. However if the day is a colder one (let us say the opening week) we cannot dispatch the waiting train onto the lift until it gets into the waiting area before the unload station, this prevents us from getting the train to block stop on the top of lift. Just think of this way, if the train is still sitting in waiting the train heading up the lift will never be cleared of the lift....think safety!

-MF Crew '01
-Bluestreak Crew '00
Jeff's avatar
The best groove I've ever seen in a dispatch about, or just past the bunny hop. It's close, but it really is neat to see as the returning train rolls right into the unload.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Jeff, you are correct there. I've seen it once or twice, and it is something to see it roll right into the station.

(a.k.a. UCSfijoawehgtghafa)

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