Ok, i know i have posted this before, but how come all my topics get deleted? I know my last one did not have alot to do with the point so I can understand that. You all always say that it is a monitered forum so all the spam get's censored out. I completly understand that. But now how come all my topics that have everything to do with the point still get deleted!?!?!i just want to get some info for my first trip in 3 weeks! I have explored this site, and every other site on the web. So don't say that i need to look at the site. I have not had one topic yet that hasn't gotten deleted within the first hour or so!Sorry for wasting your time.

Feel the Force!
Yeah, they over do it sometimes. I agree totally with you.

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WHY? How should we know? You don't need to discuss topics being deleted with us. Just talk to Jeff. One reason trip questions can be deleted is that we can't give advice for every trip to CP that someone goes on on this site.
Crady Crady!! CRADY CRADY!!
From what I understand...

Maybe they get deleted because someone has already posted a similiar topic...use the "Search" feature to find that out...

Your topics might also get deleted if the subject has been "talked to death", and there are no more comments to be made on that subject..

That is how I THINK it works....
Mikey..FINALLY PKI-bound tomorrow :)
No comment... Mikey knows... ;)

-John Gilman; Organizer of the DT 80
"Thanks for flying Dispatch Master Transport"
You guys have pretty much got it. If you have a question on the Po!nt, first try using the search feature. You can usually find what you are looking for, and if you need more info on a topic that has already been discussed just ask right on that thread. In terms of non-CP, if it has to do with coasters or parks in general than head on over to Coasterbuzz.com. If it is just something completely random and TOTALLY unworthy of discussion, it will probably be deleted.

And if you still want to know why something was deleted, like force312 mentioned, email Jeff. While we know your frustration, there is no need to keep posting topics on why your stuff gets deleted.

Steuks!! *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/1/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
Maybe it's your completely meaningless topic titles.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!

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