Who picks up the trash in the parking lot after closing?

dsloban's avatar

All this talk about the Zamboni reminded of the Dr.Suess story Cat in the Hat. The part when the mom was coming home and they had to get the house picked up and the cat pulled out that crazy machine and thing 1 and thing 2. I wonder if that is what comes out at night to pick up the parking lot? just kidding......

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

pointperson's avatar

The Seagulls, baygulls, pooping birds, whatever you want to call them are really crazy. They actully came and at my fries (cp fries rock) right off the table when I was tying my shoe. One pooped right on the bumper of our car and when we went to wash it off it already carouded the sealer off and the mark is still there to this day (7 months later) All that garbage they eat really turns their poop into acid. Maybe its Perry's.

Visual Scan!
First Top Thrill Dragster train of 2011!
Rollbacks: 1st Triple Rollback of 2009!

I can deal with Seagull poop spots on my car, that is a minor annoyance compared to what happened to me once. My care was parked in the lot near the beach fence on a strong windy day... that later had sprinkles....

At the end of the day I had about an inch of wet sand on my car... Of course as much as I tried to clean it off without a scratch it still scratched, and of course it was all up in the ventilation system, so when I turned the car on, I got a face full of sand...

I no longer have that car, a few months later the car coughed and died, and I sent it to the junk lot.

Since that time, I have no problem parking as far back as possible as long as I stay away from the beach fence.

Just your usual come and go poster. One week I am here, then I disappear for a while.

What BGrooDog said about leaf blowers, ha ha, the Zip coaster at kalahari sounds like a leaf blower when it launches! :)

tambo said:

Working nights back then was one of the best jobs I ever had, even if I was only a lowly sanitation engineer. :)

I know what you mean, although it was the early morning shifts that I enjoyed the most, especially late in the season. I live an hour from Sandusky, so I'd leave for the park usually between 5:15 and 5:30am and hit up Cracker Barrel for breakfast before heading to the park. Depending on how entertaining the newspaper or CNN Mobile was on a particular day, sometimes I would hang out at Cracker Barrel and enjoy my coffee, while other days I would take it to go and head to the park early.

There were at least a few instances where I would take a full lap around the park while drinking my coffee watching the sun come up over the lake. Other days I would just go in early, have a cup of coffee and try to get some extra paperwork or scheduling done, but those early morning hours were always the most peaceful for me.

ChrisC.'s avatar

MonsterMan dude that is just some bad luck!

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Does anybody else ever get hit by birds? I'v been hit almost every year I'v gone to Cp. I'v been hit coming out of the Season Pass center, Getting out of the car in the parking lot, got hit on the way into the park, and once entering the 1st tunnel on Mille. I had my hands up and it scraped my fingers up.

Can't wait to get hit this year!

Let's Get Weird.

The red winged black birds are the worst. I've heard of girls getting their hair snagged by them when they attack, they want it to build a nest. It is fun to watch new employees get near the nests that they don't know about in the back areas of the park.

CP rush's avatar

^^Oh yeah, I had a bad experience with a bird on Magnum a few years back. While decending the first hill, a bird hit me in the face. I was scratched up but it was nothing compared to what happened to the woman behind me, the bird clawed her all the way up her arm and there was a decent amount of blood.

First rollback=opening weekend '09

JuggaLotus's avatar

Alex - its not them looking for hair to build a nest. Its because someone is too close to their nest and eggs. 99% of birds won't go anywhere near people, but if you get near their eggs, they'll do whatever they can to get you away, even if you're not threatening the nest.

Goodbye MrScott


Exactly right Jugga. One of the many things I learned about the Red Wing Black Birds during the summer I worked Night Trash. When the sun rises and the park is empty is when they attack the worst. After all it is easier for them to attack one threat as opposed to thousands of people ;) Though I'm sure it occurs during operating hours often. Anyways, the one lesson I learned after my first attack was to always keep eye contact. Once you learn where the nest is, don't look at the nest, instead listen for the warning calls from the mother and look directly at her and keep looking at her. The Red Wings won't attack you if you give eye contact, they feel threatened then. Instead they will fly around you from tree to tree and follow you until they feel safe to go back to the nest.

As far as I have heard the RW Blackbirds always peck you on the back of your head and it hurts. The one that got me, clamped me with its claws and pecked twice.

Seagull are different. They will attack you and it will hurt it doesn't matter if you are looking at them. I personally find it easier to just run.

Though, in 2004 when I worked on Monster there was a seagull we called "Junior". (It's nest was on top the Junior Gemini Station but usually hung out on top of the games across from Monster.) Now this seagull was special it didn't just attack anybody, it would only attack supervisors or anyone else with a White Shirt (that was when supervisors still wore White Polos). I can only assume someone did something to it with a white shirt on. Because those were the only people the Seagull attacked and obviously felt threatened by. Anytime we saw a supervisor or someone wearing a white shirt we would warn them and usually they heeded our warning, but occassionally we would watch an attack. I always felt sorry for those people, those attacks looked like they hurt. By June everyone carried or wore their jackets and raincoats when walking by this area to hide their shirts no matter how hot it was outside.

Those early mornings during those summers definitly gave me a crash course in avian wildlife. I watched a show one time that birds have very excellent memories and while not definitivly proven, could possibly be able to pass memories to their offspring.

Just your usual come and go poster. One week I am here, then I disappear for a while.

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