Who has ridden Superman: Ride Of Steel?

I was just wondering, has anyone ridden that?  Because I've heard that it's a lot like Millenium Force, and I was wondering if that was true.  It was voted the best ride in the world by some coaster mag, but if it's so great, then why isn't it even in the top 20?
Jamin is the coolest worker at Cedar Point.
hehe, it's #2 in the world my friend.  Too bad that recently the one in New England crashed...
Dream viewspot at CP: The middle support on the first turn on Millennium Force.
Oh, my bust.  I didn't know it was number two.  Anyways, we all know that Millenium Force is the best.
Jamin is the coolest worker at Cedar Point.
What about the Magnum? Why #3?

-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island

I've ridden S:RoS at Six Flags New England (which is different than the ones at SFDL and SFA) and I must say it has some similarities to Milennium Force: AIRTIME!  AIRTIME! and more AIRTIME!  S:RoS is an amzing ride and i wish it was much closer to where i live.  The ending of that ride is one of the best endings I've ever experienced.  It's kinda hard to describe, but it's basically very twisted with a few airtime humps, a lot of fog and some tunnels. http://www.coastergallery.com/SF/SFNE20.html 


These kinda show what I'm talking about.  I wil say this though, the feeling of speed on this ride isn't nearly as overwhelming as it is on MF and the hill is a conventional chainlift, which makes it a bit slower.  Both rides are similar in their beautiful setting, MF with Lake Erie, and S:RoS with the Connecticut River.  Interesting note: the queue line for S:RoS is in the shape of Superman's 'S' on his chest.  It's rather annoying...anyways, get to SFNE and ride S:RoS!


Ride of Steel's avatar
SFNE's SROS is my #1 steel coaster.

That says it all.


...traitor. j/k :)

MF count: 20

Ride of Steel's avatar
I prefer "coaster whore" thanks. :oP


Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
now now Nat..aren't we all considered that? :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

I was just at SFA yesterday and got to ride their S:ROS. It was a great ride, especially with the helices. But it just didn't compare to MF. The first hill on MF kind of ruins me for other coasters! But S:ROS was definitely a fun ride.
its bound to happen now... someone is going to make a "coaster whore" screen name now...
http://coolforce.cjb.net -{Where The Cool Stuff Goes 93MPH}-
'OMG Tommy you're obsessed!'
I have ridden the one at Darien and the one in New England.  The one in New England is just insane, and when I rode it I thought it really had an off day.  Personally I think its the best coaster Intamin has ever done.  Its a great ride and I wish I didn't live 12 hours away from it.  I know I knock Nat a lot for making it her number one but it really is a great ride.
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum: 555/1820
Vertigo: 5

I rode the original SROS at Darien Lake and came off a bit let down. Yes...the ride was very good, but I don't think it is worth all of the hype it receives. There was far too much straight, dead track if you ask me. The one at SFNE looks like it alleviates this problem, though.

James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus"

S:ROS at SFNE is an absolutely incredible ride, but other than that they are both Intimins, I don't see much similarities between it and MF.  SROS has more air time but is a little slower (hard to say about a ride that clocks over 80(?) mph).  MF is great because of the sheer speed from beginning to end.  If I had to choose between the two, I would have to go with MF, but just barely.  Its worth a trip to Agawam to try out SROS and Cyclone, which is an incredibly underrated woodie.
Actually MF is rated 2nd behind Japans coaster. But I think it number 1 in the U>S
Amusement Today gave MF the Golden ticket for the best Steel Coaster, Cedar Point for the best park, and best capacity.

MF is #1, are you talking about height-wise or something?

MF count: 20

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