On the night of the 18th I was in the station for the Mean Streak, and I saw two kids jump out of a wwl canoe just before the cave where the small water fall usually is! It's amazing how stupid some kids are huh??
Did they get caught? Jeez I mean they could have gotten hurt, at least they didn't try it before the 45 foot fall, did you hear about the guy that died on Splash Mountain at WDW because he decided it'd be fun to stand up on the final drop?
I stay crunchy...even in milk!
He didn't die on the final drop at WDW. He jumped out to get a hat that fell in and got hit my another boat. The boat pinned him underwater casing him to drown.
Adventuredome Ride Op 2000 - present
Future CP Ride op?
Dont let Markey read this, he will ban all water canoe rides! Then next week they will open up with OTSRs and lapbelts!
Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God