Does anyone know the original location of Switchback Railway on the peninsula?
Between the old Grand Pavilion and the beach, so that would be roundabout where the parasail is now.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
on the current site Disaster Transport and Giant Wheel. The Beach house was by Oceania
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Dang, that's been the site of many coasters.
SR, Wildcat(original wooden), Jumbo Jet, Avalanch Run, DT...
Where were the Bobs and Cyclone?
[CP had both a Church Bobs [ala Riverview] and a Cyclone [ala Travers and Church]. And they tore them down. insert Charleston heston quote here]
It was actually built next in front of the Grand Pavilion. It ran due north to where the Hotel Breakers area, not where Disaster Transport is. Diagram of ride I have drawn is at
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Maybe I was thinking of the bobs?
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
oh, Riverview..always makes me regret being born too late to go parents wax VERY rhapsodic about Riverview and the from Chicago, Bill?? only a Chicago native would mention Riverview on here...
ride early, ride often!!!