Not that I care, but I presume that since I never heard the 3rd party's measurement of SD2K that MF is still shorter than it. For those who are crying because Japan spent a lot of money on Cecil Fielder, and to build a coaster, there is a solution. I think a simple remedy would be to level about 8 feet of ground under MF So CP can say that MF is now 11" taller. Now we can brag all we want. I will never get to ride SD2K, but it looks like a great ride, in terms of design. Who would not want to ride a 318 foot tall Magnum prototype? The one thing I have really not heard is the smoothness of the ride. MF is great because Intamin's track and train design creates a smooth ride. If Morgan is still using their same old "crappy" design, this ride could turn into the Mean Streak Of the Steel Coaster world.
Joe E
Someone give me airline tickets to Japan so I can See Cecil play baseball (The Japanese scream "LOOK ITS GODZILLA" and run when they see him) and I can ride SD2K.
I have to think that "leveling 8 feet of ground" poses the obvious problem that now your footers aren't sunk deep enough into the ground.
Actually, I've heard that SD2K is sinking anyway, so it's just a matter of time before MF is higher. That, and I think they're selling it to Japan. Or was it Canada? SFMM?
Duane Cahill
That's "President-Elect Bush" to you!
Wouldn't doubt it... *cough* Kansai International Airport *cough*
Too bad they didn't put it on a man-made island!
Trim brakes-a necessity???
If you are as bored as I am, here is a fun activity. Go find a door in a house. Pertend the floor by the door (Not ment to be poetic)is the crest of MF. Now look at the top of the door. That is the crest of SD2K. Big difference right?
Joe E
You seem to be the only one not trying to be poetic around here... ;)
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Good point, Gemini Dream. Unfortunately the same thing doesn't work with SD's 242 foot second hill and 210 foot third hill. I'm sure SD is an absolutely fantastic ride. I think MF can claim the better first drop of the two, but other than's pretty hard to call. I think I'll have to fly over to Spaland for some research.
Millennium Force laps: 2
...but at around 10 bucks a pop? I don't think so.