Where are the nay sayers now

So I guess someone had to say it. We discussed Millennium Force so much before we actually rode it. We second guessed this and that and thought we knew best. But can anyone actually think of anything that would make MF better? Possibly more airtime, or G's? I have no complaints what so ever! They just built the tallest, fastest,most expensive(the list goes on)coaster in the world! I know we are always looking for the best. But I've learned never to second guess CP. Long live Millenium Force! I thought I heard somthing about a looping woodie! HA what a JOKE!!!!!
I have heard of a looping woodie, but not of one that actually works :) *** This post was edited by eclipse23 on 5/14/2000. ***
Yeah man that is exactly what I am sayin. All those Haters that complained all Winter, aren't saying nothing not. Yeah, All I heard was,"Ohhh there are no G's" and "Ohhh what a bad move, why didn't they floorless." All they did was whine. It got on my nerves. I am glad they shut their mouths.

Millennium Force Ride Count:0
And who would these people be? I remember people stating what they would like to have but thats about it.

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Speaking of son of beast is it even open right now or are they still working on it?

I was wondering the same thing...

Whats life if you never get to the point?

NO! No more G's!!! Oh my god. I am seriously worried about the future of this ride. This ride is definately not for everyone!! I for one thought it was intense and the force was outrageous. But I'm afraid others might complain and get it slowed down or something in the future. Just look at Mantis and Mean Streak. I don't even remember getting any airtime on MF. Is it because I sat in the very back?
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
It must of been, I was in front row and got air on each and every hill. I thought the force was great.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
At least for yesterday, Son of Beast was closed down.

My trip to PKI got me nice and ready for a trip to the REAL amusement park... only 2 more weeks before I get my chance to ride MF.. *salivation commences*

There. I said it. :)

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
RockDown2G- unfortunatly you could be right. All it would take is for someone to misjudge their age with what they still can and can not do. Don't know about Mantis...but MS was slowed down to keep it from ripping itself apart.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
Jeff's avatar
You're kidding, right? This has to be the most comfortable ride I've ever been on. The only thing even borderline intense is the G's in the pullout at the bottom of the first drop. Other than that, it's mostly about sustained speed.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
I think it's funny that PKI can't even get their "great new coaster" the SOB up and working. Go figure... PKI is nothin compared to CP.
Rock and Vince bring up a valid point. I know that in many parks on many different rides (not just coasters) that someone inevitably gets on something big that they can't deal with, then makes a big stink and the park kowtows to this whining simpleton and tones down an otherwise great ride. This does happen and as usual, one person ruins things for everyone else. Does CP actually take the whiners who shouldn't have ridden it in the first place seriously, or just how is this handeled?
Jeff, as usual you are right on target again. Why would CP slow down the smoothest ride of the century. This ride is all that anyone could expect or hope for. I say that if any complaints are raised...then raise the height to 60 inches.
And if that didnt work, change the height to 66 inches. Need I say more? There ARE NO PROBLEMS with this ride except that the crew needs some time to get the timing down and learn how to run 3 trains IMO. Let's all give them a break. At least the crew stays untill the last person gets to ride.
hey Scooter, do you personally know anyone on that MF crew? If any crew in that park deserves a break it is the MF crew. First off its not their fault that the lift and the ride is too fast to run three trains. They have no control over that. The crew on the ride has been getting faster and faster with each passing hour. They have no official spiel, and no official handbook on the ride. This is the very first crew ever on the ride. There are no people to turn to that have done this kinda of thing before. Another problem is crowd control. Many people are so mad that they can't bring big and loose articles in the queue. One lady got so upset that she threw her french fries (that were covered in ketchup) at one of the ride ops working the entrance.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 023
'00 M. Force Count:043
Man, people go to have a good time, and end up throwing food at people. Whats the world coming to? But serioursly, if they say you cant do that, then dont. Not your park, dont complain.The lady should of just ate them or threw them away. But that happens. As for the crew, what can you expect from a new crew? I'm sure they are trying the hardest they can (not that ive been to the park....yet) Its a new coaster, i dont care how slow the line goes, i just wanna go, and ride....the force! :)

-Dave Hogsett
I Hope I don't get hated for saying this, but Millennium Force was probably the worst coaster I have ever ridden. I rode it one time, in the back. First those lap bars are the worst I have ever seen. They where nice and open, but did the ride op really have to jam it down that hard? The second thing is that Millennium Force has no G's, it didn't even come close. Finally, I was forced to by an on ride photo I didn't want there was something wrong with the picture. I will give this ride another chance though because I was in pain the whole ride from that bar in between my legs. If it wasn't down so hard this ride would have been among the best.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
Even though the lift is too fast to run three trains right now, it is still a rush flying up the lift like that Wow :)

Also, where is the best air on the ride?

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it... Beyond words... bey
When you say that the lap bar was jammed down too far what do you mean? Did the ride-op lower it for you? People are always complaining about that on RRC and I don't get it. The ride-ops have NEVER jammed the bar down on me. When you sit down just lower it to a compfortable level, the ride-ops will walk by and pull up on it to make sure it is ok, and your all set. It has always confused me when people say that.

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