When is news not news?

liebevision's avatar
I know it's not really my place but this has been bugging me for a little while. But when are the "news headlines" going to be updated? They have been

Mechanics wrestle with Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point

Cedar Point to purchase Harbour Marina in Sandusky

Cedar Fair considering year-round resort expansion for off-point Radisson

for a really long time! And there have been major news storys snce then. Such as the parking tax being removed, the work on lighthouse point, castaway bay being anounced... oh and that little aquisition of some park you may have heard about. I'm not complaing, I love this site, but what is the point of having a news section if the headlines never are updated when there is new news? Jeff, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, I have the upmost respect for what you do here, just making a suggestion, and trying to bring something to your attention... I could never hope to run a board as good as this one.

Arms down.....Arms down.....Arms down.......Arms down.....Arms down....Arms down...(you think they would get it the first time?!)

2003-TTD-15 Rollbacks-1
2004- Demon Drop (first year)
*** This post was edited by liebevision 3/24/2004 1:34:09 PM ***

I have made it a point not to be critical of a website that I am allowed to visit for free. But, that is just me.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

If you want current cedar point news, read www.virtualmidway.com. If you want current coaster news, read Jeff's other (and better) site www.coasterbuzz.com.

Which leads to the obvious question of why Jeff is hosting these forums instead of Walt who is clearly more motivated to have a thriving CP-only site.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Couldn't the news headlines simply automatically update based on Walt's site? I don't do programming, so I don't know if it can be done in this situation, but that is my idea.

Having out of date headlines is annoying, but it also probably means that Jeff is too busy to worry about it.

Speaking of which, time to head to Walt's site to look for Cedar Point news.

Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

I agree with Chief Wahoo, I'm not going to criticize this site since it gives us a place to discuss CP for free. Having done some work with websites, I know that keeping them updated can take a lot of time, and Jeff has probably been really busy. Also, he probably could set up some kind of automatic update, but that would take a good amount of work.
Jeff's avatar
Go to Virtual Midway. I just don't have time to maintain GTTP at the level I did back in the day. As for updates... there will be updates, soon.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - My Blog
Blogs, photo albums - CampusFish
What time does the water show start?

liebevision's avatar
Cool! Great to hear there are updates coming soon! Jeff, if you took it as though I was saying you weren't doing good enough or anything like that, then I apologize. Because that's not the way I meant it. I've posted numerous times how much I love this site and how good of a job I think you do with it and coasterbuzz, expicallly when there was that whole spammer incident. That was just crazy! While I can't go to coasterbuzz anymore (it's blocked by bess filtering services, I'm at a library computer) I still come here and greatly enjoy it. I just thought I would point it out to you.

Arms down.....Arms down.....Arms down.......Arms down.....Arms down....Arms down...(you think they would get it the first time?!)

2003-TTD-15 Rollbacks-1
2004- Demon Drop (first year)

Gee the anticipation...................

Later Wally

I got pretty close there!!

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Yes, I guess the word is out now about why the news headlines didn't get updated... :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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