Wheel problems and other false rumors

Wait! Magnum isn't sinking!?! :)


Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
What that means is MF could have a 310 ft. lift and a 10 degree, 300 ft. drop and still reach 92 mph. Right?
Well, evan, if there were no friction, that would be correct. In reality, there will be some slow down the longer the descent actually takes, but it would still be moving pretty fast by the time it hit the bottom of that hill...but probably not at 92...it might lop off 5-10 MPH due to friction, but maybe not even that much. If MF trains were dropped on no track, they'd probably hit about 94-95 MPH at most, due to wind resistance, so you have to figure that the engineers at Intamin are counting on a further 2-3MPH reduction in speed due to friction from the track and bearings. Any of you not in HS yet will get exposed to all of these mechanics equations in your first year of Physics. It's pretty basic stuff....of course I've done stuff through Calc IV in college and 4 physics classes...but damn I hated college physics. It sucked donkey.

True, about the acceleration in an ideal case. But just taking friction into account, which is not that hard if you know a few coeffecients. Like that of the static friction of the wheels and the weight of the train. The two results for vertical and 80 degrees is alot different since technically falling vertically there is no friction. Just though I would mention that since the world is not perfect and the assumption of no frictional forces is not very accurate.
something really cool is if you fall from 1000 feet or 40000 feet it doesnt matter. You will still hit the ground at the same speed. I think a person hits terminal at arond 330. I am not really sure about that number. I think it might only be 200. I would have to look it up but I don't know where my book is. And if MF only had a drop at 10 degrees it would be alot slower then 94 mph even if you don't take into account wind resistance. This is because friction is a function of the normal force only.
- No underwater coaster for 2002 as posted from former member jb.
- probably no underwater coaster ever :)
sorry that this is under MF topics

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Lets not fail to mention....CP does not own Lake Erie so there wont be any coasters in the lake
Oh well, and I was hoping when I went scuba diving into Lake Erie I would find the long lost "TITANIC" coaster. It is a one of a kind ride , or so I am told.
They do own some of the bay though... Right?

They could always put one in the lagoon, but why?

Millennium Force will be the next to sink! *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 4/24/2000. ***
...So you can get a glimpse of the giant, man-eating carp...that's if you can see through the murky green water ;)

-Dave Kochman

EEEEWWWWW!!!! Those carp will tear you to shreads! Ever seen the raptor feeding scene in Jurassuc Park?
MF...taking thrills to new heights!
Jeff's avatar
Here's a good one I heard at work today... they now require you to sign a waiver when you enter the park. Classic!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
They do! Ever since that giant carp attacked the Paddlewheel boat...:)

(Jaws attack music here)
You have to sign a waiver so you know not to handcuff yourself to another person in a the other train on Gemini. I thought everybody knew that!

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
Didn't you here, the giant carp that attacked the Paddlewheel Excursions boat and ate a 6-foot tall 350 pound man has escaped the lagoons and migrated east for the summer. It's name is Nessy.
I have a friend who saw bigfoot hiding behind thunder canyon last year.
-No bigfoot
-MF was not damaged because webcam is down

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!! *** This post was edited by Hooper on 4/24/2000. ***
No people have not been in MF's tunnels, No people have not been discovered dead in DT, and No MF is not damaged and that's why the webcam is down! I wonder who has been spreading these lies.

Manny care to explain?
I heard that someone has to sit at the top of MF and make sure no riders are fooling around. Is this true?
Come on JB, MANNY, DUDLEY...Whatever your name is, stop posting on this site if you are going to post with the intellect of a 5 year-old.

Closed topic.

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