what's to big?


A guys i'm gonna bring my friend up to the point for his first time, but he's a big boy 44 45 inch waist line is he gonna have any problems getting on any of the rides?



MrInkspot@aol.com's avatar

Probably MF, and TTD. If he's tall too, he may also have trouble getting on DT and CCMR... to name a few.




Add WT, also depending on his torso height, Raptor and Mantis (no big boy seats.)



The site says 40 inch waists are the max on several rides, so he'll probably have problems on several coasters and some of the thrill rides.

From the Cedar Point Website:

All passenger restraint systems, including lap bars, shoulder harnesses and seatbelts, must be positioned, fastened and tightened to allow guests to ride.

Due to rider restraint system requirements, guests of exceptional size may not be accommodated on some of our rides. This may apply, but not be limited to, males who exceed 6'2", and those who exceed 225 pounds, have a 40" waistline or 52" chest or females who exceed 200 pounds or wear size 18 or larger. Each person has different body proportions, so it is impossible to determine exact size and weight.

Our larger guests may experience difficulty on Blue Streak, Chaos, Corkscrew, Disaster Transport, Mantis, Maverick, maXair, Mean Streak, Millennium Force, Mine Ride, Power Tower, Raptor, Skyhawk,Wave Swinger, Wicked Twister and Top Thrill Dragster.

Maximum recommended weight limits are posted on Camp Snoopy rides, Chaos, Monster, Scrambler, Super Himalaya, Troika, Wave Swinger, RipCord and most Soak City attractions.

You may enter the ride via the exit to ensure the restraints function properly prior to waiting in line. We have test seats at Maverick, maXair, Millennium Force, Raptor, Skyhawk, Top Thrill Dragster and Wicked Twister.

Looking forward to Cedar Point- July 4th-5th, 2007!



thanks for the info sound boderline to



I went to CP for the first time last July weighing 287pounds, 44-45" waist and 6' all. Yes, I was a big boy and my pic I uploaded here shows it. As far as coasters, I rode Mean Streak, Gemini, Magnum, Mantis, and Raptor. Mantis was a little snug, and on Raptor I needed and attendant to push the harness down so I could lock it (even though the test seat was a perfect fit), but otherwise I fit fine. I could not ride MF or TTD because I could not even latch the test seats (was about 3 inches from locking the belt on each one). I also rode SkyHawk without issue. As far as any other rides, I can't tell you because of time contraints. I couldn't stay as long as I wanted and the wait times for the rides I rode ate up much of the time the days I was there. However, since last July, I've lost 47 pounds and am down to a 40" waist with plans to loose more before my next trip to CP this summer. I tell people the reason for my weight loss is because I want to hurl my body 120mph, 400 feet straight up. :-)


Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I didnt know that if you were really tall that you couldnt ride some rides. I'm 6 foot 3. Are they really going to ask me to get off because Im tall?

Let's Get Weird.



^Only if you cant fit into the restraints. Its more of a problem if you are your height but disproportionate, ie long legs or tall torso.



Yes, they would ask you to get off if you were too tall for the ride. Like Touchdown said, it's not just your overall height, it's the length of your upper and lower bodies on different rides. If you have long legs, the restraint won't come down on Mine Ride - so you will be asked to leave. If your upper body is too tall on WT or TTD, you will be asked to leave too. The seat has to be able to properly support your head.

They ask overweight people to leave all the time, so they'd have no problem asking a tall person to leave.


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