What's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say at CP?

Final Force 500's avatar

I remember this topic from a couple of years ago, but after looking through 80 pages I could not find it.

The thing I hate most when I visit Cedar Point is when people have their own facts on all of the coasters. Their friends seem impressed with their knowledge, but the facts are often wrong. I heard someone in line for Maverick say it had a 90 degree drop and that Millennium Force's drop was steeper than 90 degrees. I saw a guy and his girlfriend and he said, "That's the Gemini" pointing to Snake River Falls. Finally, I was in line for Magnum XL 200 and a POV for Fury325 came on FunTv and someone yelled, "Look it's GateKeeper. I love that ride." Do you ever feel like turning to these people and correcting them?

Thabto's avatar

Do you mean this topic?


It comes up here every once in a while.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Final Force 500's avatar

Ah, yes. Thank you.

How about, "We have to stand in these red dots, behind the pillars when dispatching a train."

Maybe not the dumbest thing I have heard at CP, but it is up there...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
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Final Force 500's avatar

I heard one girl last Saturday in line for Magnum XL-200 say, "Magnum and the Force are about the same height." I was like, "yeah 105 feet is nothing. that's like...Maverick." They had no idea what I was talking about.

But I have to say the young kids that get the facts right make up for the dumb ones.

Last edited by Final Force 500,

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