What's the deal with the seatbelts?

I have read a few things about the MF seatbelts, what is the trick to getting them off? I'm on my way to CP pretty soon and don't want to look like a fool.
I had no trouble whatsoever. Even if I hadn't "heard" about it on this site, I would have had no trouble, although my friend did. There are 2 triangular metal buttons on either side of the belt. Just push both of them in at the same time and pull the connecting pieces apart.

Okay now the question... How do you get them on? LOL! I don't want to go and look like a complete doof!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Well it's kinda like hotdogs and doug... oh yeah not a place for making families.

Raptor Flights: 23
Force Rides: 14
Okay, you WON'T look like a complete fool because when you see them you can figure it out yourself. Except for my first ride, they were loading so fast that by the time I got in and pulled down the "ab-bar" one of the ride ops alreadydid the belt for me.

Now to explain, just put the small circular end into the compadible(sp) circular convex-like (goes in) part of the belt. Now you're good to go.
Hey guys I'm new here. I just back from CP with my daughter we live in Orlando. MF by far is the best coaster Iv been on as far as speed and how smooth a ride it is.
The seat belts are different. but with the lap bar it's not like your going very far.
I'm planing my next trip there, even if I have to go alone!
Check out one of my MF pics on DIscovery.com
LOL! Thanx. Now I feel in the know!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Well, you stick the little metal end into the big metal end..well, if you don't know how to use a seatbell, just press your call button and I'll send my friend Tommy back to hit you over the head with a tack-hammer cause you are a RE-TARD.

sorry, from tommy boy, couldn't resist. And don't say this isn't relavent, Tommy Boy was set in Sandusky. hehehe, gotcha!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
MFfreak..lighten up!!

They are a little different than normal!!

new MF photos

OUCH! That hurt! J/K! Yeah from what I have gathered on the post they have to go a certain way. Well most seat-belts tend to but you know.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I was just kidding around. I couldn't resist the joke. I meant nothing by it.
So why don't you shut your big YAPPER! (shameless Matt Foley plug)
I want to live in a van down by the river. Or in this case, down by Sandusky Bay.

Rides to the top of the world: 4

it really is not that hard the only thing that you need to do is when you take it off you dont push strait up you push the two prongs up a little
raptor flights 2
magnum laps 2
millinum force laps 2

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