Last night I posted that Kennywood Park would beat Millennium Force with their new coaster next season. I see that this post had been deleted from the message board.
Please dont take that the wrong way! I think Millennium Force is a great ride! Its an on going war today with Amusement Parks to have the biggest, and best coaster possible, and I am not bashing Millennium Force in any way! I was just trying to get everyone excited about something new in our future, thats what coasters are all about right? Getting excited?
While it has yet to be confirmed! Sources suggest that this new coaster could have a 350 ft drop!
If by posting this information I am in any way causing an inconvience please do not just delete the post, Please let me know why it has been deleted. I have a website of my own with a message board I know what its like, I really hate it when people come post on your message boards and bash the site or the park. Thats not what I am doing, sorry if it may have sounded that way!
I personally dont take offense to your post, I love CP but I am also a fan of all amusement parks, thanks for the info, I have not heard about this yet! :)
The more you ride it, the more you want it!
This is a website devoted to CP. We usually do not have discussions about other park's future plans. Try for parks other than CP.
Closed topic.