What´s are the limits of a rollercoaster?

I think that it´s will be hard to make a rollercoaster better than the Millenium Force. I´ts posible to make a rollercoaster with more height and more speed and more lengh?. If its posible, What kind of rollercoaster will be?..
Probably an Intamin Giga-coaster.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
As stated by Ron Toomer, "The only real limit to height is what people are willing to get on and what the park is willing to pay." I think Intamin, Giovanola, and Morgan. In my oppinion, it seems highly unlikely that B&M will jump into the giga catagory.

Signature of the week: "Human Sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!" Pete Venkman
Unless that bill is passed...
About Morgan, I think they will stay in the business as long as people are willing to buy their rides, but if you look at them, THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!!!! Pretty much all of their coasters are the same, I think if the Y2K Coaster dosen't happen, their carreer will be over. Just a little thought from inside the shell.
My view, Skies the limit and I do think B&M will create a taller and faster coaster in the future. Never say never when it comes to a better coaster.
Jeff's avatar
Word on the street is that B&M wouldn't do Millennium Force because of the height.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Never say never. Just ask Denise Dinn-Larrick about that one. She was asked if CCI would ever go higher than about 100 feet. She said "no." Her company proceeded to build Shivering Timbers at 125 feet. I was standing there when she was asked if Shivering Timbers was as high as they would go. She said yes. Her company is now building the Boss, which is how high?

B&M might not build a 300 foot ride today. But that doesn't mean they won't ever.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

The word on the street over by my house said that B&M would have done MF, it's that CP didn't want to pay that much dinero for the B&M version.


Shivering Timbers is 125'. The Boss is 122'. So they still haven't gone *higher* than ST, but The Boss' drop is a nice 150', making it the largest CCI drop ever.
Does anyone think Arrow will build one. Remember, they did build the first Hypercoaster

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
What are the limits of a coaster? Were seeing it now folks...
I'd hate to think that MF is the limit of what a roller coaster can do.

"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
All I know was when i was a child, seeing a 100 foot coaster i thought they would never get any higher and low and behold the birth of MF!! So I have to agree they will stop when a coaster gets built that no one will touch! (well no one is an exaggeration, more like a mass majority wont ride it) I think we all will be suprized in a few years! I do think though, there has to be some limit as far as what the body will take, but I know I dont want to be the test dummy for that!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Heck, if they keep going taller and faster than they will have to enclose the trains on the track so the human body can handle the conditions. Kind of like an airplane. HINT,HINT TO B&M!!!!!
It seems to me that the next difficulty that coaster desighners need to handle is the aerodynamics of a train moving *that fast*. There has already been some work done in this area; ever ride Magnum XL-200 in the front seat? Ever notice that instead of a 72-mph head-wind, you feel about a 20 mph tailwind up there?

The problem is that while you can go as high and as fast as you want given enough space for the pull-out because you can control the forces exerted on the riders, you have to really start worrying about wind because it is an eye hazard.

I know that on Steel Phantom and Superman: Ride of Steel I was very glad I was wearing glasses, and I don't know how you perfect vision folks handle those kinds of rides. Either the parks are going to have to start requiring eye protection on these high-speed rides, or they need to do something about directing the airflow around the riders at high speeds. I'm guessing Millennium Force does this by means of the high hood on the front of the lead car.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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