What will CP do about losing space to expand??

Will CP ever move the main parking lot on the mainland? They could put a 220 foot tall 7500 foot long woodie there loaded with airtime!! CP need to have the space to keep building BIG coasters if they want to stay on top! How much land does CF own on the mainland in Sandusky! Can they move the main parking lot there and add a tram/monorail system??
I think that would be cool to move the parking lot to the mainland but the monorail wouldn't work. There are way too many people trying to get into Cedar Point to have monorail. Also if Cedar Point wants to build a large coaster, I believe they can. If they ever did run out of space they can build up and over.

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
Jeff's avatar
Cedar Point does not have a space problem(TM).

Wow... I don't think I've said that in at least six months!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50

How much unused land is left?? If Heide Park's Colosso turns out to be a smooth ride from the start and can be kept that way would CP have the room to duplicate it(Not an exact clone but a similar ride experience)in ride size and quality without removing anything? Of course I wouldn't miss MS since it was tame during its opening year when I rode it! BS was MUCH better! But the park is always rumored to be running out of space! Basically if the technology can be perfect it amounts to seeing CP putting in a woodie the size that I've mentione in the first post and I want CP NOT to lack in space to do it! Now CP willing to do such a project that would be very questionable and doubtfull but I am surprised to see SFGAD planning a hyperocaster instead of beating MF since they are the largest market left for another giga! But I still perfer a woodie!!
If you want to see how a park can deal with a space problem,go to Indiana Beach.
Anyone who has been there has to agree that their new woodie is going in where there was NO space for it.
http://www.customcoasters.com/images/cornball_rendering_a.jpg is a CCI website image showing just the 2 coasters by CCI, underneath their structures are many kiddie rides and other attractions.
if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
*** This post was edited by WHOEVER on 1/7/2001. ***
Out of 364 acres on the peninsula, there are 60 acres of undeveloped land. So Cedar Point doesn't have a space problem.

Millennium Force The Future Is Riding On It

Millennium Force Count:65 Laps
Indiana Beach's new coaster is built over water(or most of it I think! Isn't CP restricted from building on Lake Erie? If CP was allowed to build a large amusement pier that it would be so obvious that there isn't a space problem! CP than could include that in thier boardwalk project if there ever is one! But if there is 60 acres left you can still put about 5 more major coasters in!
I'll bet the lake is just a wee bit too deep to build anything major on. Pouring footers would be hard and very expensive.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
From what I understand, the lake freezes in winter. (Wasn't there just a thread about MF being on the cover of a local newspaper with a frozen lake in the foreground?)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
The lake is not deep at all, Off shore is shallow (especially in that region) and It Average's only 60 feet in depth. But yes, building underwater is not cheep and is expensive to Maintain. It actually may be easier do build in a deeper lake because those lake's are not as ferocious as Lake Erie and less damage would be done. Piers themselves are tough to maintain.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/7/2001. ***
Lake Erie has the biggest waves of all The Great Lakes because it is most shallow.
"You can never Safety Dance enough"
WHERE IS THIS SPACE? Not to debate whether it's there or not but just wondering Where?
Build the new coasters on the parking lot and park the cars underneath the coasters like they did in the old days.
LOL...I can just picture a "floating" coaster from RCT because the parking lot would make the bottom 10' or so of the beams disappear. haha...i'm so addicted to that game. I need help.

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
Cedar Point just about ran out of room in 1991. When I looked at the map then, I thought there was no where else to put a coaster. Since then they have built 3 huge coasters. Right now I am thinking the same thing I thought 10 years ago (its 2001 already, just yesterday I thought I was on the Mean Streak back when it was great), it looks like they are out of room. Their is plenty of spaces to fit a coaster though, I count at least 3. Everyone bust out their park maps (very bad scale I might add). A great coaster dose not need to take up A lot of space, just look at Raptor and Gemini.

Between Gemini and MS.

Proposed "Boardwalk" area (I have been in that part of the park like once in the last 5 years, because there is nothing their but the stupid stadium and the ship that lulls me to sleep.

Between MR, MF, and SRF. ( have already surveyed the sight and designed a wooden twister their)

Speaking of Maps, they keep getting less and less to scale and more and more cartoonish. I feel you pain BirdOfPrey. This post is my idea of a break form a 4 hour stretch of RCT. The Season Can't come fast enough.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/8/2001. ***
They do have plenty of room, plus they can free up space by moving things around. For example, what if they tore down Oceana Stadium etc, and moved Cedar Downs to that location (where it would fit in very well with a boardwalk theme), and moved oh what is it Antique Autos? Cadillac Cars? Can never keep those two straight--to another CF park that could use a family oriented attraction--plenty of space is opened up for an adroitly placed coaster (or the bulk thereof) or a new ride or attraction. I first went to CP in 1973, and the place has changed a lot since then. In another (oh my) 30 years (how did I get that old?) who knows how much the park will have changed?
All parks have limited room to expand. CP is 364 acres. Larger then a lot, smaller then some. It just looks like CP is more limited on space because it is surrounded by water.
OK...time's up!
CP will not "run out of space"...
Please look through old threads to see further discussions on this topic.

Closed topic.

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