What was your first roller coaster at Cedar Point?

Jumbo Jet or Blue Streak; I can't really remember which. That was just too damn long ago!
Man I am really feeling my age right now. It was Blue Streak back in good old 1972!!! I never realized how young the people are on this site.
My first coaster was Junior Gemini, although my first adult coaster was Blue Streak.
Mine Ride here :)

Wagons '00
Jr. Gemini all the way!

What's Life If You Never Get To The Point?
My first coaster at Cedar Point was the Iron Dragon. This was before I caught coaster feaver.

Millennium Force - world's first and greatist gigacoaster!
Mine Ride--in 1976!


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."
Hey sivaII! Not all of us are that young. It's the love of coasters that helps keep us young! And the fact we've had CP all these years makes us some of the fortunate few.
i remember going on gemini back in the early 80,s i ended up peeing my pants.now you cant keep me off rollercoasters.
Iron Dragon, in 1993. I think that's the reason I still love that ride today, it was my first coaster ever.

"Live tomorrow tomorrow, and today today."
Blue Streak, when it was one of the only coasters in the park. I must have ridden it sometime during the late 60's, and it probably took me years to get up the nerve to ride, I also had to wait for my brother to be tall enough to ride with me. I would love to ride the Blue Steak again, but only without the "improvements".
Pete's avatar
Mine was the Mine Ride, way back around 1969.
Gemini, Blue train about noon on a crystal clear June day in 1987. I was only six at the time and was barley tall enogh to ride (I am only 6'5" now). I remeber our train kicked some track and won and I ducked at every point were the track rans under the superstructure. My dad wanted to break me in, so no Jr. Gemini for me. I rode the Jr. later that day and just lauged at the kids who were scared. I am mean.

Joe E

The Millennium Force Makes Me High

My first time at CP was in 79, I was afraid of any rollercoasters because not to long before coming to CP, I seen that terrible movie called "Rollercoaster". I remember walking by the Gemini and thinking this must have been the coaster they filmed it on. I was only 8 years old then, the Gemini looked so massive and so scary to me! That is something you never forget. The following year though i finally rode my first coaster which was mine ride, and i loved coasters ever since!!
S.B.Railway you are exactly right!! Amen my brother!! I am glad there are others here who have been around going to CP for many years!!
My first coaster was Gemini back in 1985. My dad practally had to drag me onto it, and after I rode it I could not get enough of roller coasters, even to this day, boy I'm glad he made me go on it.
Have no fear sivaII there are more of us "oldies but goodies" on this site than you think...I really feel old answering this question...First coaster...Blue Streak in 1968!...Come on "Dinosaur", sign on and give us your answer!
Hmm man i was too young to remember that but the first ride i remember riding at cp was the magnum. My ex-boyfriend draged me on it when i was 13 and since then it has been my all time favorite!

Cedar Creek Mine Ride (The fake hill scared me)
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You know, Joe, I rode Gemini a lot like that once.
It was '89, though, as Magnum's 2+ hour line was draining everything else.

My first big coaster.

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