What to ride first?&Which day to go?

I am leaving for Cedar Point with my family and friends either Tuesday or Wednsday of next week and I was wondering which day would be best to go to fight the crowds or does it really matter?
As for my second question I was hoping to hit the big rides(MF,Power Tower,ect.)and also get the most out of my day at CP without wasting my day away waiting in line for hours.We are planning to arrive before the park opens and I could use some help on what to ride first so I can get all the big rides out of the way.

Thanx Alot :)
Well after traveling to park after park,the clue is to ride the most popular and NEWEST rides first.If you have read any posts on here there is a fast pass for MF after 11am and your best bet is to ride it before then if possible.Follow Jeff's plans on his park in one day.Ill be there July 17th which is a Monday and I heard Fri,sat and Sun are the busiest days.WEd should be somewhat light but not even a psychic could tell you what the crowd would be like.you take a chance.I can only do one day at the park but I dont plan on riding every ride..just some of the coasters.There is no telling how long you will wait for any ride..sometimes you expect to wait a while and you are on in mins and when you think itll be fast,you wait forever.You never can tell.
Actually, from my experiences, and from what I've heard, Mondays are actually one of the busiest days in the park(everyone thinks that the park will be empty that day), and Fridays are very slow. Saturdays are busy, but Sundays also seem to not be that bad. I don't like to go to the popular rides first, especially Raptor and Millennium Force, because that's where EVERYONE seems to go in the morning. Magnum seems to be a good place to start, then just work to the back, and then come around to the front. As Gillian said, check out Jeff's Strategy Guide for some good ideas
I agree with CDCoolGuy. Everybody goes for MF and Raptor in the early morning. Start at the back or in the DT area. Magnum mornings are always good!

Live for FUN!

My best experience with the park has probably been on Wednesdays. This summer, my one Wed. visit was wonderful! Longest line was 30-45 minutes. Rode all the coasters in the park, several of them two or more times, including MF. Can't speak for everyone else, but you might try doing CP on a Wed.

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