What to ride?

Ok my CP trip went from two full days to almost one full day. We plan on getting to the park around 1 on Saturday and stay till they kick us out. What are the 'Cant Miss' rides? Mellenium Force is first on the list but then what? Can i get most of the rides in? -- Also on a side note are food prices resonable or high?

Ride List
1) MF

magnum is a must ride. food prices are great and the food is very good.
if i had one day, this would be the order i would ride:

MF, Magnum, Gemini, Disaster Transport, Blue Streak, Mantis, Raptor, Mean Streak
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2 *** This post was edited by punk on 6/19/2000. ***
Ride MF definatly. Then ride Raptor, then Magnum. It's hard to choose between those 2, but in my mind, Raptor comes out on top.

If you get a ride on those three rides, you'll go home happy.
MF-ride first ride of the trip
-ride at night for the best ride
RAPTOR-any time between 4:45 and 6:30 to avoid long lines
-ride front seat without shoes or socks for best ride
MAGNUM-ride as many times as possible with short lines up to 30 min.
-best seat is the very back
-a great night ride
MANTIS-good, ride very front
POWER TOWER-ride in morning for short lines
-good without shoes
MEAN STREAK-ride the back
-good night ride
-lean off of the back of the seat

Live for FUN!

Ride The Fearsome 5. Magnum, Mantis, Mean Streak, Raptor, Millennium Force. After that ride Gemini.

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Last year I got up there about 1:40 on a Saturday in July and rode every coaster, with some coasters 3 or 4 rides!

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Next Cedar Point Trip: June/21 & 22/00
You should not have that much of a problem to ride every coaster and even stick in a few flat rides, like Chaos and that stuff.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
I will tell you this

Do NOT bother riding:

Mine Ride
Iron Dragon
Brett!!! You are crazy man! Corkscrew is a fun little ride. Iron Dragon is not a bad coaster. On mine ride, pretty much everyone goes psyco on it now. and the helix is cool. Wildcat is a fun little coaster. Why not hit ALL the coasters you can.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
I partially agree with Brett. Don't bother with Corkscrew or Wildcat, unless you can walk right on of course. Mine Ride and Iron Dragon usually don't have a wait more than 15-20 minutes (if that). Even though they are smaller and not necessarily the fastest coasters, they have a certain charm about them and are worthy of at least one ride each. Do not wait more than 20 minutes for Disaster Transport, it is fun, but just too short of a ride. I would skip the Demon Drop in favor of the Power Tower (Turbo Drop side is better). My 5 "can't miss rides" are Millenium Force, Magnum, Raptor, Power Tower (Turbo Drop side), and Gemini. If you get there early enough (around 9am) you shouldn't have to wait more than an hour for MF. Go on it first. And definitely ride it at night when it is pitch black outside. Good Luck!
"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs

You can't get the whole Cedar Point experience without hitting them all. When I went to CP in June, I hit every coaster (excluding Jr. Gemini), and MF=4, Mantis=4, Raptor=4, and Magnum=3. Heck, I even hit Dogem2 and the IMAX. You will have more than enough time.

Here is what you MUST do:

Night rides on MF and Magnum(preferably the ejector seat)
I would try all the coasters, if time allows. But if you skip anything, IMO, skip Iron Dragon, which I consider to be the biggest waste of space in the park. It is a very tame coaster with a second lift hill in the middle that completely breaks up the flow of an already faltering pace. It's good for training the younguns, but that's about it. DO NOT miss Wildcat if you can help it - yes, it's a small carnival type coaster, but it does whip you around & change direction constantly, which is cool. Between Mine Ride & Corkscrew, I don't know, both have their points, but I would take MR, just because it's longer & if people are going crazy on it now, that's a plus. Anyway, just my opinions - hopefully you'll have enough time to try them all & form your own!

Mount up & let's ride!
'cept iron Dragon is practically a wolk-on most of the time...

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