What questions will YOU be asking to Intamin at CO

As of right now I am attending Coastermania and hope to attend one of the Intamin Q&A sessions, I was just wondering if any one had thought of any interesting questions to ask? Trying to come up with a good one myself
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Now were not gonna give you our ideas to ask now..lol:)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
How about "what is your tallest coaster". That will solve that debate for good ;)

LOL! :) That would be the mother of all questions to ask the Intamin reps.

Someone, please ask that question!

I was trying to decide whether or not to attend those sessions. Since my friends and I will be there, I doubt I will.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Your gonna miss out CP_Bound..There very informative and fun..The one with Ron Toomer 2 yrs ago was great and packed.

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!! *** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 4/11/2001. ***
"How about "what is your tallest coaster". That will solve that debate for good".

Not really, do you really think they're going to say S:TE while standing in front of a bunch of Cedar Point fans?
Well if they know what's good for them they'll say that thing just across the peinnsula (sp?). What they could always just give us the answer of "The tallest full-circut is MF" and "S:TE is the tallest shuttle coaster".
I don't have a question for Intamin at the moment, but I have a request for you folks...

Think about the questions you might want to ask. And think about who would be best suited to answer the question. I remember feeling sorry for Ron Toomer at CoasterMania a couple of years ago as he was peppered with questions he couldn't answer that were questions he had no way to know the answers for, questions that should have been directed to the park's marketing or operations departments.

For example, you wouldn't ask the ride engineer how a park goes about choosing and marketing a new ride. He might have a reasonable idea, but he really can't tell you. Instead, ask him the questions that will lead into what he would love to talk about. Remember that when you're talking to someone who represents a park's vendor you are not talking to a park representative, so that person is not the person to talk to about the park.

Just something to think about. The talk will be more interesting if the questions are appropriate for the presenter.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Well said, Dave.

I found it amusing Ron Toomer doesn't ride his creations. He has a geniune passion for designing coasters but does not share our passion for riding. Does the Intamin team ride their coasters, I wonder? And if so, do they have any favorites?
Yeah, I suppose when you think about it, Ron Toomer designing coasters and not riding them is sort of like Beethoven writing his Nineth Symphony and not being able to hear it.

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!
Jeff's avatar
Good points, Dave. Nothing irritates me more than arrogant enthusiasts who try to outsmart the designer. That idiot who was badgering Toomer about Drachen Fire was, well, an idiot. If he was so freakin' clever, why didn't he work for Arrow? That's what I thought...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Except in the case of Dave here, who often enough does outsmart the designer...
Would you guys mind telling me and other people who can't be there, the Questions people asked and the answers they got?

What's Life If You Never Get To The Point?

2000 MF COUNT: 117
2001 MF COUNT: ???

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