What makes Millennium Force?

For me, beyond the pure stats that we know so well, even beyond the speed, is the distinct visual quality of it. You won't confuse MF with any other coaster on the planet. It's too distinct.

I think Dave said it best, MF looks more like Tex Avery than Ron Toomer. On side of the hill is 45 degrees. The other side is 80. It looks like something straight out of a cartoon! It's just exaggerated.

Even Steel Dragon, impressive as it is, looks like a standard roller coaster. And it is. It's basically just a scaled-up version of most hypers, which in turn were scaled of versions of the multi-loopers and wooden out and backs that came before. Magnum, for better or worse, was just like its antecedents.

MF is different. Yes, it's scaled up, but it's more. It's newer. It's distinct. It takes coasters into the absurd.

I'm not sure I can describe it any better.
Well said...it is VERY distinct. It just looks so different. It isn't your average coaster by any means. 45 degrees up and 80 down...boy that just plain looks cool if you look at it from a distance!! I'm sorry to say this but I think it won't be that distinct or one-of-a-kind in a couple of years. You know very well that somebody is going to copy the lifting mechanism and angle of ascent and descent, etc.


What makes MF for me is the view of the drop from the front car at the staggering height of 310 feet. The track appears to disappear or curve back under you. And the view is breathtaking from that height.

Then there's the 20 seconds up and the 5 seconds down as you go up and over the lift hill. Pure speed baby and an adreneline rush just short of a cobra lunging out at your face. That would surely give you a rush wouldn't it?

And the banked turns. Effortless and smooth even at breakneck speed. The airtime in the front is unbelievable, just unbelievable.

There will always be copies, but only 1 MF. She can be imitated but never duplicated:)

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Well when you get to ride a coaster a TON of times you learn that the ride has a personality all its own. I can go on and on and on about the personality that Magnum has. Millennium Force is no different. For example on MF right before the train takes that sharp turn into the first tunnel I like to look up and look at the lift hill. The thing looks so freaking HUGE. Its just as cool to do that at night time just to see it lit up at night. Also on every ride I take on the MF I always have to take a look over at Magnum while going up the lift. I don't know why but I always do it.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
For me it will be the one and only coaster at CP that made me think twice about going on when I saw it before we even got on the Causeway.

And the rush you get while riding it, it never lets up. It is a feeling that I have tried to explain, but there is no explanation, you have to experiecne it.

Also it looks so magestic at CP.
I can't forget... first lap on MF, I had a grin from ear to ear on my face. Had to get a drink immediately after I got off of it, because my mouth was TOTALLY dry! That was great.

Whenever I ride MF, I mean to look at Magnum, but I get preoccupied looking at the huge freaking 3rd hill staring me in the face, I see Mean Streak, and Gemini, but for some reason I never get as far over as Magnum. I usually look back at the people behind me, cursing me for dragging them on this monster.
MF was the only coaster that struck fear into my heart even before i saw it in person...and it is the feeling that it has not only a personality of it's own, but a LIFE FORCE (no pun intended) of its own, as if it picks up on all the love and excitement and fear and adrenaline in that line and turns it into something MAGICAL and amazing....

ride early, ride often!!!
MF is different, distinct, magical, and frightening. It entrances people waiting in line to watch the train soar into the final turn and coast through the brakes. It is the only ride where the line spills out halfway through the frontier trail. Keep an eye out Magnum, a new ride is in town..
I remember standing in line for MF, watching a guy get out of the front seat and stagger towards the exit both giggling and twitching at the same time. That was the best clue that MF was somethign special. =)
Looking at MF is weird. When the supports are barely visible and the blue track stands out it looks like Mf is floating there!!!! And MF is the only coaster at CP that can be almost seen from anywhere at CP!!!!!!
Jesus will never let you go!!!"
Bean Bag
When your up on the ramp to the station with your heart racing and the people getting off just keep talking and talking about the ride and how amazing it was was when i knew that this would be a great experience.

Raptor '00 Count: 63

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