What is Millenium Mania?

I saw a post about the dates but I would like to know when it is, park hours, rides that are open, ect.

I plan on going in between Labor Day and Halloweekends time so I can get multiple rides on the coasters. Is this possible at MM? Are all the rides open? I was thinking about going to MM, if the lines are short, and then staying another day to do the coasters that aren't major attractions and seeing the rest of the park.

Anyone have any thoughts as to what is the best time to go from now until October that is traditionally good for riding?
I would recommend late August and Early Sept. (try to avoid Labor Day weekend). Bonus Weekends are a good time to go, too. In reference to your question about Millennium Mania, only some rides are open. I believe that they were MF, Magnum, Power Tower, Mantis, and Raptor last year. (Someone correct me if I am wrong). The price was $20 last year and there was walk-ons for everything open.

I'll try to explain Millennium Mania as best I can. Last year, CP "invited" you on their website to pay $19 (Season Pass holders must also pay) to attend Millennium Mania. Last year, the dates were Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the two weeks after Labor Day (this year it is just the Thursday and Friday of those two weeks). Each of these days, the park was open from 4pm-10pm for anyone that had a special Millennium Mania ticket for that day (you could get them from the website). The only rides that were open were Millennium Force, Raptor, Mantis, Magnum, and Power Tower.

It turned out that there was absolutely nobody at Millennium Mania, the park was empty. Many of the members of this board said that they would be the only ones on the train, and just keep re-riding whichever coaster they were on. There were no lines at all. So basically for 19 bucks you could get a crapload of rides on any of the 5 that were open.

Everyone who went loved it, so they are doing it again this year. While the only thing we know right now are the dates, it will probably be just like last year.

Millennium Mania and Bonus Weekends are probably the best times to get a lot of rides in one day the rest of the year. Halloweekends can sometimes be good also, but you never know, on many occasions they are JAM PACKED (i.e. 10/14/00).

Hope that helps! If you want more on MM, try using the search feature.


Oh my good lord.
Live for FUN!

Let's just keep it on the down low ;)

I was there the final day of M.M. (Friday). My experince was:
RAPTOR- no wait unless you want the front seat. The rest of the train was empty
MANTIS- Same thing as Raptor
MAGNUM- Short line for front seat. The rest of the train was half full or half empty depending on how you look at it.
POWER TOWER- You might get one complete 12 seat tower to yourself
MILLENNIUM FORCE- Everyone allowed into the loading station (i.e. pick your own seat). 15 rides in 56 minutes of total waiting
Well, although only a few rides are open, it sounds real good. I won't ask any more questions on this. I'll keep it on the down low. Thanks to all. I know sometimes it's hard to tell someone about something so good so as not to spread the word too much. I appreciate the responses. This will be my first time to CP and I want to make the most out of it. I won't be able to go on Mantis, Raptor, or PT because it will be a trip with my 7 year old daughter, but I still think it sounds really worth it. Thanks.
Bless you, elmu...
could someone please post the dates of MM again??/


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