What is all this seatbelt crap?


Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:30 PM
Alright, in this point in the season we all know about the supposed seatbelt slack rule that CP is supposidly following, but I wanna know, where the heck are you guys getting this stuff? I saw on a forum that someone said that they were 150 pounds and had to get off MF. Now, I think we all know that was bull crap, unless all 150 pounds were in their hips and butt, cuz I'm 137 and fit perfectly in every coaster I've been on. My brother is 6 "2", 240 pounds, and definitely a big boy, and he's had absolutely not even and inkling of trouble with MF, or any Intamin we've ridden so far. I admit, I have noticed them pulling the seat belt when checking the restraints, but they're not pulling it a whole nother inch like some people have been saying they're doing. It was just a slight tug. So can somebody tell me what all this crap is about?


Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:40 PM
What it is about is that they are requiring an extra inch of slack in order to ride and people that could previously ride are now being turned away and many people are upset.

Rihard 2000

Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:51 PM
Rihard 2000's avatar
Thanks for starting another thread on this topic. There clearly isn't enough to read in the other two threads.

Richie A.



Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:58 PM
I think this is sooooooooooo stupid!!!!!!!! Well it's THEIR fault iI mean its now our fault that their to big that they can ride it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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