What if....

i just thought about this, but i think it might be kinda cool if MF's first hill faced towards raptor and the rest of the ride was a mirror image... i think it would be cool, plus it would be more hidden in the frontier trail part since the first overbanked turn would be where the ferris wheel used to be... then again i think it would look weird having that huge turn right next to mantis... i thought about it when i looked at this pic: http://www.cedarpoint.com/thrill/millennium/mf_crest_back.htm
just a thought
I never thought of that but yeah that would be cool.

ok so why don't you get a petion going to have them change it next winter
LOL!!! Wouldn't that be fun?! Not to mention expensive!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)

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