Hi, I'm new to the boads and I hate roller coasters. What is it about them that intrigues you people so much? Well what else is there to do at Cedar Point than coasters? It is known as the roller coaster capital of the world...So What else?
hmmm...here you go for starters.
Red Garter Saloon
Lusty lil's
Swan Boats
CP&LE Railroad
Giant Wheel
High Dive show
Lake Erie Beach
White Water Landing
Thunder Canyon
Snake River Falls
Cadillac Cars
Dogem's 1 and 2
Cedar Downs
Petting Zoo
Fronteer Trail...etc
Just to name a few
Sunsets that are pure magic.
- Raptor Dave
The sights (my favorite-peoples faces after they've gotten off Raptor and MF) The sounds
(the screams, the laughs, the ride noises) The smells (fries, cheesburgers, elephant ears)
Got to agree with CPDave (Glad to see you back Dave!) I have seen more than my share of awesome sunsets at CP. One was mid July last year while in line for MF-beautiful and another was after a thunderstorm during MM. Yea those were pure magic Dave!
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Po!inter girl-FOREVER :)
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Turnpike Cars, Waveswinger, Scrambler, dip-your-own-candles, etc... To keep adding to CPcyclone's list.
A summer job that makes you $4000+ as a conservative estimate.
French fries to die for!
Classic arcade games.
Gorgeous floral displays.
Soak City waterpark.
Miniature golf...
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
I hear ya on the sounds, Jo. I would have to say my favorite sound is first coming into the park, the sounds of the old carousel, then the roar of raptor! What a combo!
"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
MF 2K1: 2
When you enter Cedar Point, you feel an aura that cannot be described in words. But suddenly, those bills laying on the kitchen table dont seem to matter. Waiting for the alarm clock to go off is no longer a concern. There are no punch clocks at CP.....Its an escape, a world within the world. All those real world worries just disappear for a day. Relaxation is suddenly easy and stress is non-existent.....
I go to CP for three days and I will ride next to nothing...Gemini, Mean Streak, Disaster Transport, Iron Dragon, Corkscrew, Mine Ride...Thats it for coasters....The ones people trash on the board are the only ones I can really handle.....But I love the place nonetheless....
Granted, I get to see CP through my kids eyes and relive it with their excitement of park. But, I would probably still go anyway. Its still a getaway from the ratrace and that isnt easy to reproduce in any other entertainment I have access too....I can only imagine Lighthouse point is going to enhance that feeling of a getaway for three night in July.....
The live entertainment can't be beat!! I usually see all shows each year.
A good example is that I'm not a country music fan. I saw "Hot,Country Nites" about 5-6 times last year! I loved it!! I thought it was the best show last season!
I agree with everyone else here about the special feeling you get just being there. I don't have to ride to enjoy myself. A park surrounded by water.
http://www.magnummania.com jerry@magnummania.com
There are lots of places I can go to ride rides, eat french fries, see shows... but at Cedar Point everything just comes together in (look out, he's going sentimental...) a magical way. Part of it is being on a point, with water all around you. Part of it is the juxtaposition of old buildings and spin and puke rides from the 60s and 70s and state of the art thrill rides all jumbled together, no theme, just there. Part of it is food that, anyplace else I would reject out of hand (deep fried dough with ice cream on top... no fat in that, huh?) but just tastes so good there. It's just magical. And that's just during the day. I think Six Flags Over Texas used to advertise that it was a "Whole New Park After Dark." That's true of the Point, too: I think my favorite time of day is just after dusk, when there's still just a hint of the sun at the horizon, and all the lights are on, especially when it's a clear, cool summer night. My. Sorry to go on. I'm a sentimental fool over CP.
The sound of a Demon Drop car going down the tower. Its the welcome and goodbye from the park.
MF Count: 12
First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
i think he hates roller coasters because he is scared to ride them so thats his only defense.lol
Millennium Force=me rode it 4 times last summer.
(I feel so ashamed)
the thing that intrigues me about coasters is simply fear. I love the thrill. I hate heights and it is an exillerating way for me to take on that little problem I have. Coasters are a total rush. I experienced my first inverted coaster RAPTOR just a short time ago, and I am addicted. It was like I was flying. In short I think that coasters are a great way to get a safe thrill. It is fun to be scared, it is fun to not know exactly what lies around the next turn especially if you are doing speeds of 80/90 mph.
Coasters are carefree and each one has a spirit of its own, each one has that little jolt that one turn or dip you didn't expect that elicits a scream that turns to laughter. These moments are shared with whomever you are riding with and they are always remembered. I can still hear my Dad laughing as we plunged down the steepest hill of the Thunderbolt, my first coaster, and I will never forget that time and how much fun it was to be scared stiff and laugh. Now I get the joy of sharing that with my son's. It is something we love to do. First we scream,,then we laugh and sometimes we laugh so hard, it becomes contagious and other riders have to laugh and then they enjoy their ride much more too. Those are the best rides! Try it, you might just find that you love to be terrified!
Don't forget about Fascin...... ooh wait nevermind. :(
daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 169
'01 force: 15
You guys forgot about one of the best things going at cedar point. I love the summer spectacular. The laser light show is just awesome to see. Just another reason to get to the point.
Hey guys, thanks for all the info. and, NO I'm not scared of costers I just don't like them...I've been on some of them and I just didn't get the "thrill" about them you all talk about. And just for the record I'm a girl not a guy.
Dan, what time does the 10:00 show start?
"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
MF 2K1: 2