What dropped on Thur, Aug. 23?

On Thur, Aug 23, me and my brother got in line for MF at 5 to 8 (closing time).  The line was pretty long, and after about an hour, there was a 15-20 min delay.  The trains stopped moving.  When this worker came down to tell people to stop smoking, I asked her what the problem was.  She said someone had lost something valuable on the ride and they had to retrieve it.

Was anyone else there and knows what this "valuable" item was?  What is the deciding factor in retrieving an object (since everyone is warned beforehand that no loose articles are allowed)?  How WOULD they retrieve something (it was dark out) Anyone else experienced this before?

(I don't even know if they ever found the item, BTW.  After 20 min, the ride started again)

It could have been RX glasses, keys, or even though its hard to believe on the ride it could have been a shoe.
Wildcat Crew 99
Blue Streak Crew 00
Raptor Crew 01
Vertigo Launches : 3
Vertigo Wipe-outs : 1
Contact Lenses ??
Gemini 100 - 35
Gemini 100 cheering section coordinator
I hope you're kidding Freaky...
Don't laugh, force312.  I lost one of my contacts going down the Magnum's first hill about 8 years ago.  It just got blasted right out of my eye by the wind and force of the fall.  And I was wearing sunglasses, too!
I recall Dan yelling to Jerry and I on Magnum's platform during a breakdown. He asked if they found his contact yet and I told him no, but as soon as they did Magnum would open back up. The people around him looked confused to say the least.

2001 Force- 130  Magnum-402
Gemini- at least 100
"MF has broken down and still hasn't been fixed, consider kicking Joe out of the park"

it was a wallet. we have to stop th ride for stuff like that. i was at entrance when it was going on. to tell th truth i had to call it down one for contacts. i even had to go out to look for them. th stuff we have to, fun.


You have to stop the ride when ever anyone goes into the "Ride Area"...  I work in Security at Valleyfair and we get called to people under Wild Thing all the time for people that wander behind the gates building etc to get whatever they dropped off the ride.  Even though there are many signs in the station and a recording that plays telling to hold on to loose articles etcetcetc...

I even had one person in the 6 foot high weeds right next to the WT tunnel looking for whatever he lost, they had to have WT stoped for that. :(

I'm not laughing because someone lost contacts, I'm sure that happens.  But they aren't gonna stop the ride and Look for a contacts lenses on the ground!!
"Secure all your loose and valuable articles!"  There aren't many things that ops are going to stop a ride to go and look for.  On Magnum, we went out several times a day with the hard hat and looked under the track, but on something like Raptor, that's obvously not going to happen.

2001 Magnum Crew

DJ you are crazy fun, where? We do it for the bonus, which im not gonna get oppps... :)



Millennium Force Laps: Who cares, Blue Streak 4-Life!

Blue Streak Crew - 2001

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