In my humble opinion, I think CP only needs 2/3 types of coasters to complete their collection.
1. launched coaster
2. backwards coaster
3. Arrow4-D or Flying coaster.
What do you think?
Well, we could build a TA2K and take care of the launched coaster, and turn a train on Gemini backwards and we've got 2/3.
I think good wood would go above any of those (except maybe a TA2K)
2001 Force Count-46
My opinion on what CP needs to fill out the collection, in order of preference:
1. High quality woodie, preferably a CCI.
2. Large B & M floorless, with inversions, of course!
3. Arrow 4D (if it turns out to be proven - may take a while for this to happen).
4. Launched coaster.
First we Rock - then we Roll!
With all the new prototypes coming out (Floorless, Flying, TA2K, Arrow 4-D, etc.), it would be impossible to "complete their collection". Remember also that CP could use a B&M sitdown, although that would probably be replaced with a floorless now. Of course like you guys mentioned above, there are areas that CP is lacking in and could really use a good coaster (*WOOD*).
Definately a CCI woodie...
I think thats teh only thing that CP is lacking. A launched coaster would be cool, but I soooo would rather have a woodie. as for flying coasters, ill goto WOA for that, and a looper, we already have mantis and raptor..
CCI all the way!!!! How about a backwards CCI?
In my opinion CP is awesome, we don't need anything. But if i had to choose i say a Racer or Rebel Yell type coaster, one that goes forwards and backwards. But we already have a racing coaster, So I'd go with what practically everyone else is going with, CCI woodie.
Whats an Arrow 4d coaster?
A 4D is the brand new prototype Arrow has developed. See for more information on the ride.
Visit my RCT CP site.
Backwards coasters are nauseating. Bring on the classic twister Cyclone-type woodie.
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.
Trust me on this one. Keep mind there is a huge difference in what WE need, what WE want, and what we are getting next year.
Maybe after riding Timbers this week Kinzel might realize what we NEED!
daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 317
'01 force: 16
That's just it Dan...hopefully there isn't a HUGE difference between what we NEED and what CP is getting NEXT YEAR!