What coaster at cp would you change the name of?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

^ Mantis has enough sound effects don't cha think? :)

Let's Get Weird.

i worked at cp in 87 when iron dragon opened, we called it "draggin iron"

Disaster Transport to Transportation Disaster

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Top thrill dragster to Top Thrill Dragster the second one is capitalized.

e x i t english's avatar

I'm gonna go ahead and say we should rename the train to "the Cleveland Steamer".

I would change the Name of Mean Streak to the Brown Streak - think about it for a second.

I like the Banshee name better

I would change Dragsters, because the trains lost the dragrace theme. I would pant it the Color of Flight Deck at KI and name it Flight Deck or Launch Pad, no I got it Flight Hawk.

10 Wildcat TL
09 Monster/ Witches Wheel - TL
08 Mean Streak
07 Monster/ Witches Wheel

Witches Wheel has a 54 inch height requirement, I don't care if your child rode Dragster, Magnum or, Millenium, they are not tall enough for this one!

Save The Big Dipper!

^Launch Pad?? lol! That just made my day! :)

We always call it the Iron Drag Queen.

I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74

My hubby calls Mean Streak "Brown Streak". And he calls Blue Streak, "the witch's t*t"

My dad has for years insisted on referring to Wicket Twister as Twisted Sister. And I don't believe he'd even be able to pick Dee Snyder out of a police lineup (even in drag).

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

e x i t english said:
I'm gonna go ahead and say we should rename the train to "the Cleveland Steamer".


How about renaming CCMR the "Dutch Oven"?

kylepark's avatar

ladyjerrico said:
I would definatly change the name of "Mean Streak" something along the lines of referring to it as driving along I-75 with a bunch of pot holes, because that's all that coaster feels like to me.

lol That's it! Call it "Pot Hole Adventure", or simply "Pot Hole!"

TTD could simply be called Dragster, most people call it that anyway.

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