Welcome to the Jungle...

Don't you think CP needs to bring back the "Jungle" look that it had several years ago? I think it would be really neat if they could grow more trees in the park and make more "green space" throughout the park. Landscaping is an also posibility.
definetly a great idea! I love landscaping. It's getting awful open.
Yeah. I understand that trees don't grow in one year but I think they could use some more trees along the walkways. Not just on frontier trail. Also, I would love to see a little river flowing over rounded rocks along the paths to give it a colorado look.
Speaking of beautifing the park, don't you think the park is getting a little dirty? There is a lot of gum and a lot of the rides are very faded *cough* Magnum *cough*.

I think this next spring they need to get a fresh coat of paint up and the park could also use a good scrub down. It's not bad, but it really could be much better and could use more green trees.
Am I the only one who noticed the fresh new coats of paint that was put on all but six of the coasters?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Which coasters? I didn't notice much of anything except Iron Dragon and 'duh' Millennium Force :)
I noticed new paint on the Corkscrew and Iron Dragon cars.

Now about the jungle. 5 years ago the Frontier/back area of the park wasn't nearly as developed. The reason of the loss of the jungle effect is because of the construcion of Mantis, Chaos, Power Tower, and MF.

There is a lot of room for trees to be planted on the 3rd hill side of the Frontier Trail.
You know something I miss? Remeber those little drinks they used to sell that looked like fruit? I really liked those. Wish they still had them. I also miss the drink stands all over the place. Now it's just Pepsi machines all over the place. :o(
I think they are slowly destroying parts of the park that make it special. I don't want to go to Cedar Point: The Park with the most roller coasters, rather I want to go to Cedar Point: The unique park with the most roller coasters!

I think all they really need to do is get some uniqueness for the park. Yes I know they have Blue Streak and classic rides, but it needs character like a special theme to it. It's getting to be a paved penisula.

Just my thoughts.
That island used to be covered with trees and where camp Snoopy was too, but Camp Snoopy has taken away a lot of the trees along with MF. There is stll a lot of trees in the back of the park, which I hope stays that way.

I think the coaster that really needs painted is Mantis. I remember seeing pictures of it, and the colors were sou bright. Now all the supports are faded and the track is a little to.

Raptor could you some more paint where there is a lot of rust.
The thing that keeps coming to mind here is the name of the park --- CEDAR point. That is Cedar as in Cedar TREES. And slowly, the very thing that gave Cedar Point it's name is the first thing that disappears. It's too bad that Cedar Point has so few Cedar Trees. I personally would rather see lots of smaller coasters made with wood. Not just woodies, but even steel coasters made with wood like gemini. And coasters that can USE the terrain rather than REMOVE it. I must admit I have not yet seen fronteir trail with MF there, but i'm afraid i won't like the look -- I'll reserve judgement until i'm actually there though.
Have you ever noticed Magnum is looking a bit Orange? Seriously, Magnum is in need of a paint job. If it was bright orange, ok, but faded light orange....YUCK!!!!

One of my friends said:
"I thought Magnum was red and silver?"

The original color IS orange. I thought it used to be red too, but I guess not.
They need perenial plants to plant along the midways and in the qeues. They make a "clean" atmosphere. These plants would do great!

Live for FUN!

Someone knows their plants!

CP_genius: Magnum WAS red
Look again Magnum is now red (as of 5/13/2K). Iron Dragon, Sky Ride, Antique (car rides), Jr. Gemini, Wildcat, Giant Wheel, as well as several Bumper cars and Spin and Hurls where repainted. Raptor and Mantis where power washed (although certain parts are already starting to get messy on the green bird).

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
How can Magnum be red? It's the same colors that are the links on this site. Just look, then check out a picture in the gallery. It's origonally red but it has faded so much over the years. Just needs a new paint job.

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