Weird On-Ride Photos

Not counting the crude and disgusting (like the stuff they'll blank out anyway), what's the oddest thing you've ever intentionally done for on on-ride photo?

My then-fiance (now husband) and I kissed for the Mean Streak shoot, and it turned out great! A lot of people looking at the photos were definately noticing it. One of my friends and I were on Mantis, and I wasn't holding on or anything, but I didn't have my hands up, and her long black hair was completely covering my face. I looked like I was totally stone bored with the whole deal, and I couldn't see a thing for the entire ride!

So, how about you? *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew

well on MF the friends i was with pulled their shirts over their heads and squeezed their nipples. they tried to buy the photo but the people said it was inappropriate and they didnt allow them to buy it

NO WAY! My brother did that with a group of guys too. Maybe you were with him!

My friends and I staged an AWSEOME photo last year on Mean Streak. One of my friends sat behind me was choking me, my other two friends were pointing and laughing at me, and I had my hands up to my neck with a weird face. When we got down to the photos, everybody was laughing at the picture.

On Raptor, While my friends did rather distasteful gestures, I pulled my legs up straight, and stuck my tongue out.
Once on Raptor, I pulled my head back into the restraints and it looked like i had no head!! And my friend had a weird face and his hand was where me head should be! It was pretty funny!

I also did the kissing thing on Magnum but the first time her hair got in my face so we had to do it over.

And another time me and my dad were on Mantis, and on the brake run he took out his cell phone and he was pretending to talk on the phone while on the ride!! Lots of people kept pointing at it and laughing.

Raptor '00 Count: 63
One time on Magnum there was a one friend in one seat, and behind him was anotehr friend behind him-same car. Well anyways the one in front lifted up his shirt and the kid behind him leaned over and grabbed his nipples. Everyone was laughing at that one!
those are 2+2 math problems compared to the complex things nick, chris and i do on coasters. of course, just like normal, people point and say, "look at those retards". i currently have 9 on-ride photos featuring classic and very original art. yes i see it as an art. b&m's are the hardest to do anything. magnum and mean streak are the easiest. great, great fun.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
Actually I heard that there have been problems on Mantis with certain guys that unzip their pants and "let it all hang out" for the on-ride camera....
Oops...I just now noticed the "Not counting the crude and disgusting..." at the beginning of this thread.
My funniest picture was on the Raptor. My friend and I took our park maps on. When the camera took our pictures, we looked like we were really preoccupied with reading the maps!!!

thats more like it cpcyclone, well done. in one we wore halloween masks. we hid them under our shirts and put them on at the top of the lift. it is a good picture.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
My buddy puts his head inside his shirt so it looks like he was decapitated while I look on in horror. I've actually thought about bringing props on the ride like fake arms and heads. But I think that's probably going a little too far. We also like to pretend that we are passed out (like our bodies would be hanging halfway out of the car and we are unconscious). Oh, I also like to expose and grab my beer gut, the crowd seems to love this. As for my wife, that's a different story............
"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs *** This post was edited by Bernz on 8/8/2000. ***
great ideas all, but have you guys seen the on-ride pic that Hooper has of the Newport cigarettes getting some airtime on Magnum?? THAT is a weird photo!! it's two guys we don't even know with the cigs floating right between them!! sometimes the best photos are the ones that happen on accident!! i am just now ay this late stage learning the art6 of the on-ride photo...

ride early, ride often!!!
There is a picture of it in my CP pics link below.

Raptor Flights: 84
Force Rides: 36
CP pics:
I have some qute Hot Shot pics on my photo page. There are alot of pics that I wish I would have bought but didn't. I did take a picture of my Hot Shot on Magnum this year. I haven't loaded it on my page yet. My seat cushin came loose,and I was holding it in front of me for the pic!

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