Wednesday 7/18 TTD incident

The railing I mentioned that was bent and pulled apart is in the right of this photo. It's the silver railing up ahead to the right of the train. On Thursday, the damaged section was removed and there was red "tape" across the empty space. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera Wednesday nite, but I know what I saw. I did not say it was the rail, but the railing.

Massive Fannibal and Cedar Point lover!!! Lover of Pennywise 2017!

TTD 120mph's avatar

Oh, so you're referring to the catwalk railing! Hmmm.....well that's quite a conundrum there. How that could get damaged is beyond me. Well I would like to think that it wasn't the result of a dangerously rogue cable.

Oh and Deuce knows nothing. He parades around like he does......but he doesn't. Very few things infuriate me.....and his voice is one of those things.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I wondered what was going on with it. My husband and daughters were on it that night just before the park closed (it was a premium night, though, for TTD) and they were stuck sitting on it for a good 30 minutes. They were ready to go and then were shut down for a maintenence check. Ride went smoothly, though, and they were glad they got the chance to ride as it was not reopened at all on Thursday. I should've ridden it with them, but I'd had a rough day and wanted to wait until the next day to ride. Oh well, I've ridden it many times before and was just happy that my girls got to experience it for their first time!

So, after all these posts we basically know nothing about what happened. Lots of "I'm betting...." or "I heard..." but nothing from anybody who knows anything. How is this type of conjecture useful, not matter how many times you've ridden the ride? Personally, I've ridden it over 900 times, but I'm not throwing out wild guesses based on non-information.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I don't see anyone making you read this topic. There's no rule stating you must post something regardless of what little information is given. Thus there's nothing wrong with a guess. Especially when there's people who are familiar with the ride, but didn't witness the event in question. And since the ride opened after one full day of repairs, I'd say it was relatively minor.

The only type of conjecture that's not useful here are responses like yours.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

JuggaLotus's avatar

+1 internets to Adam.

Goodbye MrScott


Break Trims's avatar

But he's been on it 900+ times!

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

Apparently guesses on this topic are allowed but guesses as to the new ride are not.

TTD 120mph said:
The only type of conjecture that's not useful here are responses like yours.

Easy, dude. If you read my post, you'll notice that there is no "conjecture" to be found, so I'm not sure why you said this.

TTD 120mph said:

Thus there's nothing wrong with a guess

Agreed. But you are the self-proclaimed "Dragster Nut" per your signature. Who cares how many times you or I have ridden it? We still have no idea what happened, because there's very little actual information that's been presented here.

I have no problem with guesses, and this isn't my forum anyway, so who cares what I think. All I'm saying, as Shades alluded to, is why is guessing allowed on some threads, yet people get blasted for it on others? It's not like thread title even lends any hint as to whether it's a "guessing" thread or some real, useful information.

Maybe this thread should have been called "Guesses to what happened on TTD?"

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
...why is guessing allowed on some threads, yet people get blasted for it on others?

Not all guesses are created equal. :)


Those that know don't say anything. Those that don't say everything. Or something to that nature.

Dragsterboy's avatar

I'm I line for dragster now and noticed a huge cable that seems to be worn out on the blacktop beyond the bushes, so I would guess that what ever did happen has something to do with the cable. Make sure to check it out if your down here in the next couple of days. Have any of you noticed this? It may also be visible from the webcams.

TTD 120mph's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:Easy, dude. If you read my post, you'll notice that there is no "conjecture" to be found, so I'm not sure why you said this.

I'll take the blame with not fully explaining my point. It's more or less a response to how some people on this forum take responses from others and how they respond. Be it a discussion heavy in conjecture or otherwise. It wasn't so much a direct attack on you. Just some people can't handle criticism as well as others.

Agreed. But you are the self-proclaimed "Dragster Nut" per your signature. Who cares how many times you or I have ridden it? We still have no idea what happened, because there's very little actual information that's been presented here.

My signature, status, ride count or self proclamation is just part of who I am. It's by no means a sign of some kind of authority when it comes to Dragster related knowledge. Sure, I know a lot about the ride, but I only make guesses based on what I know or have seen. That is why I put my 2 cents on this hopefully shed some light on what might have gone down. So you're right in that no one knows......even though no body said they absolutely knew in the first place.

I have no problem with guesses, and this isn't my forum anyway, so who cares what I think. All I'm saying, as Shades alluded to, is why is guessing allowed on some threads, yet people get blasted for it on others? It's not like thread title even lends any hint as to whether it's a "guessing" thread or some real, useful information.

Again, I think some people just can't handle criticism or take others too seriously.

Maybe this thread should have been called "Guesses to what happened on TTD?"

There's no such thing as a perfect title and there never will be. There's no telling where a topic will go.....ESPECIALLY here on pointbuzz. :)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I was just wondering...

After the alarming video we've all probably seen of the Xcelerator cable snap, did they add some kind of guard or protection from the cable snapping in the same way?

I always thought the seat moving on the left seemed particularly dangerous. I'm guessing the train ran over the cable?

Edit: Thanks Ryan!

Thanks Adam! ;)

Last edited by Ffej,
vwhoward's avatar

I'd say these 'guesses' are just people that know about the ride helping to narrow down the possibilities. Guesses about the new ride are based on a leaked memo and nothing else. I'd call the former hypothesis and the latter just plain ol' guesses. That's the difference. But this is just a guess on my part so who knows.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Not to really be mean or anything Jeff. I just wanted to point out that that is Accelerator at Knotts.

As far as protection, I don't know.

TTD 120mph's avatar

And I'm not trying to be mean but that's "Xcelerator"at Knotts. ;)

As for the shards, the cables that pull the catchcar are semi enclosed along the launch track but are fully exposed at the feeder wheels (the small, usually silver, wheels that guide the cable through the track into the hydraulic room). So that's the point where the cables are "pinched"and where it's most likely to have the cable bust into shards. Though a lot of the time, it'll snap somewhere in the troth where it's mostly protected.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TTD 120mph said:
Though a lot of the time, it'll snap somewhere in the troth where it's mostly protected.

And I'm not trying to be mean but that's "trough" ;)

TTD 120mph said:
And I'm not trying to be mean but that's "Xcelerator"at Knotts. ;)

You got me there. It's been a long day for me here at work. I'll just blame it on that.

Hahaha I'm in for a double edit. I knew something didn't look right.

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