Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
*** This post was edited by Tansky on 11/30/2001. ***
ucsigep said:
Did anyone see the blimp/helicopter/whoknowswhat floating in the upper right corner about 15 minutes ago? Any ideas what it was or why it was there?
Nothing like quoting yourself. :) Anyways, I see it again, it's not in the air, it's a spider on the camera. Fun.
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"
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