Webcam for new ride/roller coaster going up?


Okay, I'll say it now: I'm sorry, and I know about 50 million things have been posted about the mystery 2007 coaster, but I just found a HUGE hint!

From OnPoint!:

Look at the first reply/comment!

Lara Croft - The Ultimate Tomb Raider!

"Wind it up!!"



Another webcam coming later this season? Doesn't sound like a HUGE hint to me...

Last public train of 2005 on MF!



No one has said that 2007 will bring a new coaster to Cedar Point. From what I've seen of the area, something is going in there, of course...but a coaster? Too soon to tell.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



99% new coaster. Only because of how long it has been since the a new one. If we look at the past, last time we waited this long MF was built.

101 on Magnum and counting...



I'd like to know who computed those odds. I'm not saying it won't be a coaster, but I'd bet it's going to be some kind of hybrid.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



I'd hate that, I'd like them to stick with something simple.



If Cedar Point stuck to what was simple, you wouldn't have Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum, Gemini, or Corkscrew, just to name a few...

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |


I HATE Six Flags

Totally agree.



I doin't mean simple, I meant no cross breeding. When I think of 'hybrid' I think of something totally stupid and wierd. I'm sure CP can make it cool, but some things just arn't meant to be...



Perhaps it would be better to say "proto-type" or "first of its kind" rather than hybrid. :)

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |



I will gurantee something groundbreaking. Write it down right now that Fastball guranteed a groundbreaking something.



What about a "coaster" that splashes through water without getting riders totally wet, while alowing on coming riders and spectators to "shoot" the train with some kind of water guns? That sounds like family fun to me!


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



It says they'll be updating another cam later, not adding a new one.

- Mason -
168.43 miles away from Cedar Point



Mason just beat me to it.

They make a huge point about how they got a new type of camera operating with a much clearer picture, and a reference to getting another one of those cameras, not necessarily a new location.



JuggaLotus's avatar

MrScott said:
I'd like to know who computed those odds.

You should know by now that 124.5% of statistics are made up on the spot. Or is it 52.764534 percent?

Goodbye MrScott




99er's avatar

48% of the people on this site will not understand what you just said.



If 48% of people on this site understand JuggaLotus, then what percentage can compute a simple fourier transform correctly?



Say WHAT????? I'm sorrry, i'm a coaster junkie, not a geek with a PhD!

P.S. Sorry to geeks with PhD's out there!

2005: CP Group Utility (Garbage Detail)
Coaster Junkie From NH
Working at MHT airport



JuggaLotus's avatar

FEE, if 48% can NOT understand what I said, then can the other 52% do simple math (100-48=52)? Or are 4% undecided?

Goodbye MrScott




djDaemon's avatar

"...groundbreaking something". Okay, got it, Fastball. ;)

I'd prefer them to add webcams (as good as the SH cam) to other rides and such. Perhaps MF, TTD, Raptor and midway cams, and have a couple other cams that were rotated between other rides and areas. Perhaps a Fright Zone cam for HalloWeekends?



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