
I dont know if you people can see as much as i can in my webcam. But you can see the trains going into the stations, the brakes wich start right after the last turn, and the little bunny hill. I notice that the webcam picture comes out better if you use netscape, andnot AOL.
I see the brakes but not the trains

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
I wasn't going to bring this up because I'm not sure what it was, and none of you seem to have noticed it, but yesterday it looked like there was something attached to the track near the last turn. It was around 10:00 or 10:30am. I was wondering if it had something to do with the pull through or if it was just an optical illusion? I saved the image and blew it up but it gets too blurry to tell what it is. Anybody else see it?
I was just about to post this. It looks to me like they resemble one of the trains
It looks almost like something is on the track before it turns to go to the station but it has been there since they switched to this angle, I thought it was a train at first as well but it hasn't moved since last week so I don't think it is.

If you people read what Monty wrote, he said they have cars on the track.
Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage
I understand what Monty wrote, I was just supprised to see what looked a car sitting part way through the final turn. The more I look at it though, the more I think it is just an odd light trick anyway.
From my understanding there are two cars sitting in the load station and two cars sitting in the transfer area.

I can honestly say that the pull through won't be for ATLEAST another two weeks.

Then again what do I know.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801 *** This post was edited by Dan on 3/3/00. ***
Dan, I admit that I don't know you, though after reading about your adventures with Magnum and the Point, I wouldn't at all mind meeting you.

For what it's worth, I think you know plenty, and you are one of two or three sources on this board whose information I believe pretty much unconditionally...or at least someone whose mistakes are a) rare, and more importantly b) honest. :)

I was lurking within the thread about Magnum's wheels, and *I* for one was pleased to learn something new about the coaster, and coasters in general. I literally had no idea that road tyres for high-performance steelies wore out QUITE that fast! Methinks someone eventually needs to come up with a smooth, fairly frictionless polymer that can withstand more heat then polyurethane or nylon composite...if they have not already for Millenium Force.

But enough about that. Keep up the information, Dan. I for one will continue to read your posts with great interest.
I'm willing to bet that there is, but you either sacrifice the cushioning effect or pay a significant amount more.

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